RFF Street Photos Revisited (NikonHSWebmaster)

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Epson RD-1s - CV 1.2/35. Saigon suburbs. August 2010.
"Body of work"
"Stand alone"
...all interesting words when used in photography.

Adding "Extraordinary" to the post by Ned probably involved a wry smile and possibly inviting what they call "click bait".
A lot of images do sit better within a "body of work", and to have a "stand alone" like Helen mentioned really has to be something special which invokes a lot of feelings and emotions.

eg: i am posting an image by Martin Parr, which on its own is ok, nothing brilliant, just some in focus weed/flower and OOF people down below...for me i wouldn't give it a second look, but in the body of work "Amalfi Coast" that he has produced, this image sits well and belongs.


Modern Street without relying on the frozen gesticulation formula minus "not old world" is extra-ordinary

and minus "not B&W" is extra extra ordinary:

The longer they are shelved from contemporary view, the more extraordinary...yes...it's quite a word.
not a recent photo, but one of my favourites. Originally I cropped 16:9 in bw, but I've revisited it and I think I prefer this colour version at 2:3. It's still a crop; original was a grab shot @24mm-e with camera (LX3) at chest height. No time to do anything but react, I wasn't on the ball..

Title is "don't look back"
