Ricoh GRD4 or wait for GR3?


Local time
8:18 AM
Aug 8, 2006
I am contemplating getting a GRD4 as a go anywhere camera to replace a GRD1. There seems to be a good following for the GRD4, many commenting on its UI and IQ and the gritty CCD look. There are also strong praises for the GRD1 for its B&W jpegs. However, as an everyday camera for color and travel photography, the GRD1 is left behind by even an Apple iPhone 6, especially HDR, which is very useful for night pictures and group occasions. Is the GRD4 considerably better than the GRD1, e.g. is it on par with an iPhone 6 or 7 in IQ? Obviously the UI in any GRD is superior, however, Apple has done a good job on software such that most of its photos are usable with balanced color and IQ.

I am bypassing the obvious alternative, i.e. the GR and GR2 for two reasons: I prefer the CCD look of the GRD's, at least online, GRD photos have a pop that is missing from those from GR's, which look flat. Resolution is not a big issue for me as I don't publish. The other reason is that a GR3 should be imminent.....
I am not familiar with any of the Ricoh family other than the GRD IV. It is a phenomenal little carry everywhere camera. With the custom presets, handy grip and feel,it's much easier to whip out for quick shots than my iPhone. That being said, iPhone images are awesome and retain image quality when printed at 10X20. Maybe this helps. I just love the GRDIV and it fits in a shirt pocket, so easy to carry.
If you prefer CCD then get another small sensor GRD (later ones have the 1.9 lens). Still better than an iphone, but not by much.