RIP Colton Allen

Colton was a wonderful gifted person, gifted artist, and much loved and appreciated member of RFF. RIP.

Are his zines still available new? They are well worth having.
Very sad news. I love his book In Significance and wish I had bought more of them. Rest in peace, Colton.
Years ago I told him he was Shore without the schnoz and Eggleston without the egg. That cracked him up. His photographs had "a little something" that is pretty rare these days. Sad that he is gone. Amazing that he did what he did with his illness.
Very sad news... like a lot of you said before, he was special... I hope he let this life in peace, surrounded by his beloved ones. I desire the best to his family. Each photograph made by Colton is a special gift for me. "Thank you Colton!"