Washington DC Robert Frank @ Stanford

Thanks, I just signed up for the SF store event.

Very spooky website coding - Eventbrite.
They e-mailed the instant I hit tab on first of two e-mail fields ; without even finishing the second or submitting the form :(
Went, saw, it's great

Went, saw, it's great

Go see the Frank exhibit. If you are familiar with Sarah Greenough's exhibit from a few years ago, or with her book, you'll enjoy this exhibit. The accompanying book is well done, plates printed very well if a little small. The exhibit prints are gorgeous and some come from Frank's own collection. Wonder how they persuaded him to loan them.
Thanks for the link, Kirk. I'm not close to SF but will watch for the book to become available on Amazon.

I'll also look out for the book. The ending of the article made me laugh: "Robert Frank in America" demands that we look afresh at photographic classics, neither an easy thing to ask or to do, but an essential and finally bracing exercise.

What a load of baloney. Looking afresh at photographic classics is pretty easy in my opinion precisely because they are classics and therefore likely to be worth looking at. And every time you look you naturally re-evaluate, otherwise what's the point of looking?
I went today with a friend. Decent traffic at the exhibit itself. One odd thing about the exhibit is if you follow your way from left to right throughout the exhibit at about 60% of the way threw the exhibit you'll start to run into folks going right to left along the right wall for some reason. I've not really run into this problem at previous exhibits in this space.

I'd also note that the Canter has a few smaller exhibits up worth seeing as well.

Lastly, the Anderson Collection (and building next door to the Canter) is set to open on the 21st.

Finally got there yesterday! A real treat. Some of his out-takes are as good as the ones he chose for The Americans, and in some cases you can see how an image in the book trumped another that's almost as good. Vintage prints of some familiar work, and previously unseen work to enjoy for the first time.

IMO a 'don't miss' show.
