Rollei 35 values


Local time
7:22 AM
Jan 14, 2011
I inherited a set of two rollei 35 w/ tessars
Checked the serials:
One is original german verison with hard case 3170527
other is original singapore version with soft case 3466766

Both appear EX+

I have not shot any test rolls, but they appear fully functional--not sure about batteries or meter.

Not interested in gouging anyone, but just fair prices?

Thinking of offering them as a set,


The prices seem to vary a bit - fleabay seems to fetch top prices (it has to with their charges...) but the German one will sell quickly for £100, and probably won't move at £150. The Singapore one £50 to £75.

I happen to have an encheapened variant with Triotar lens and selenium meter - needless to say, I'll be holding out for the best price when I come to sell it (which will probably be close to £50).

The above advice is free, and worth every penny ;)
The functionality of the meter is a key component to value. Expect to get only about 50% if the meter isn't working.

I agree with Jones's price assessment. In dollars:
$150 - $200 for the German model
$80 - $120 for the Singapore model
The functionality of the meter is a key component to value. Expect to get only about 50% if the meter isn't working.

I agree with Jones's price assessment. In dollars:
$150 - $200 for the German model
$80 - $120 for the Singapore model

TY so much for replies.

Forgive my ignorance--what's the easy way to test the meter, and I think I read the battery is hidden. Which batts do they take?

TY again :)

PS I wish I had known about these back in the day--spent years with my backpack travelling, but my ftb was too heavy :(

what a great compact package...
Tessar for over $125 is a waste of money no matter where it is from... Sonnar I would pay more money for, though.

Sure separate them by where they were manufactured but still the prices are way inflated. You will sit on top of them forever since they are the less desirable models, unless you price it better.
Tessar for over $125 is a waste of money no matter where it is from... Sonnar I would pay more money for, though.

Sure separate them by where they were manufactured but still the prices are way inflated. You will sit on top of them forever since they are the less desirable models, unless you price it better.

so maybe 225 for both might be reasonable, it sounds like.

I see #675 hearing battery and a o-ring is the way to go on the batts.