Route 66 photographer passes away at 91

Thanks for sharing. Great to se. I wondered why the author in the first piece mentioned a box camera when they are posing next to a view camera. They were very skilled indeed.

Route 66 pretty much withered with the advent of I40 which runs a lot of 66’s old course. Rural America is still alive and interesting. Look at what Vince Lupo does in W TX/ E NM. I’ll be driving a lot of off the path rural American next week, we’ll see what I’ll see. I’ll have my camera of course.
Thankyou Charles for sharing. Fascinating read and amazing photos. I would like to know how they lit the interiors. Not much evidence in the shadows of any flash use. Perhaps long exposures and very skilled development to handle long scale. I guess choice of developer is crucial.

The selfie shows a flash powder lamp. I wonder if that's what brought the special lighting quality?
Thank you for posting the link to the obituary. The images are all great. I especially enjoyed seeing them as I just got back last month from a workshop visiting various cities on Route 66. I also followed the link underneath the honeymoon image to OK More Photography in Cozumel, Mexico and saw some incredible underwater images, which interested me very much as I've been to Cozumel several times and have done underwater photography in that location. I got the impression that the people who restored these images are incredible photographers as can be seen on their website