Samsung NX200

It certainly looks nice, but I have three problems with it:

1. The LCD screen is fixed, and there are rumors it won't allow an external EVF.
2. The price is $200 over the NEX-5N, which will probably show similar or stronger perfomance with better usability (see 1).
3. We can't adapt M mount lenses.

However, their pancakes look nice.
1. There is no external viewfinder port, which seems odd when the NX100 had one (perhaps no one bought the add-on viewfinder?). They have the miniSLR-style range with an EVF built in.

2. Prices for the previous cameras fell after release.

3. If M-mount adaptation is your thing, this camera ain't the thing.

The 30mm pancake is very good. Hopefully the 16mm rivals it.