Scanning 1/2 frame film to CD delimma

gb hill

Local time
7:45 AM
Sep 10, 2006
I fired off an e-mail to one of the companies that develops my photos, asking if they could develop my c-41 process film for my Oly-Pen 1/2 frame camera and then scan the negs to a cd. I don't have a neg. scanner btw, and they said they could develop the film but couldn't scan to cd. I was wandering if anyone knew why? I would like to use this camera but would like to be able to post to the internet.:( Guess I just need to brake down and get a neg. scanner.
Try Walmart or Sam's Club. They will scan the film.You will either get one frame per digital file or two frames per digital files. Both methods work out well.
Thanks Raid, I get good results from my Sams Club. I'm going tomorrow anyway and i'll ask them about it. I just can't understand why the other company said they couldn't do it.
Sometimes it is better not to say anything. My Sam's Club photo department has been doing a great job for me. I even have them scan uncut B&W negatives for the cost of scanning (about $2.50). This way, I have the B&W film developed somewhere else and I get a CD too.
My lips are zipped. So my next roll of film from my 1/2 frame, I'm just going to go to Sams and have it developed & scanned to cd like I normaly do & see how it turns out. Do yoiu use the editing program on the Sams club cd or do you use something else? This is what I hate. Everybody has their own programs on cd and some are pretty easy, others, like York Photo, are a pain in the butt.
gb hill said:
I fired off an e-mail to one of the companies that develops my photos, asking if they could develop my c-41 process film for my Oly-Pen 1/2 frame camera and then scan the negs to a cd. I don't have a neg. scanner btw, and they said they could develop the film but couldn't scan to cd. I was wandering if anyone knew why? I would like to use this camera but would like to be able to post to the internet.:( Guess I just need to brake down and get a neg. scanner.

it's not that they can't they just won't because its not dry white bread standard full frame 35mm + C41. Everything they do is automated so they won't do anything that requires some work to change settings or something.
kb244 said:
it's not that they can't they just won't because its not dry white bread standard full frame 35mm + C41. Everything they do is automated so they won't do anything that requires some work to change settings or something.

So do the settings have to be changed for the lab to scan the film to cd? If so then I guess my post #4 idea of just getting normal dev.+ scan to cd wont work. How confusing.:confused:
gb hill said:
My lips are zipped. So my next roll of film from my 1/2 frame, I'm just going to go to Sams and have it developed & scanned to cd like I normaly do & see how it turns out. Do yoiu use the editing program on the Sams club cd or do you use something else? This is what I hate. Everybody has their own programs on cd and some are pretty easy, others, like York Photo, are a pain in the butt.

I have a basic PS Elements software, and I skip Sam's Club's software.
If you get two frames per digital file, just crop half of each file and save it. This way, you get both frames separated.

gb hill said:
So do the settings have to be changed for the lab to scan the film to cd? If so then I guess my post #4 idea of just getting normal dev.+ scan to cd wont work. How confusing.:confused:

It depends on which Sam's Cluib you go to. I never had any problems. Just don't say a word. You may get 72+ digital files back from a 36 exposure roll of film.
Raid, That sounds right to me. I'll try that and when/if the time comes of needing help in seporating the 2 images i'll start a Raid I need help! post.:) My wife just installed a new photoshop program and showed me how to use it to move my pictures to edit from a cd. May be the same as yours. I'm a novice to all this but eager to learn.
I normaly get my colour negative 1/2 frames scanned into CD, two negatives in the space of one. Sometimes I must insist on the job, because they are not used to such requests. But it works so in Buenos Aires Argentina.
Just tell them you have a special camera that compresses two shots onto one frame, so they can ignore any extra framelines.... just scan at a ratio of 2:1. :D
I taught my local CVS pharmacy to deal with my half-frame film. First, I called them up on the phone, told them I had a special camera that shoots half-frame (had to explain in detail what that was); then made a visit and talked to the gal in person, gave her the film for drop-off processing. She called the Kodak rep who services their machines, he told her how to scan and print each frame individually, meanwhile she processed the negatives while waiting for the rep to call back.

I picked up the prints and CD later that afternoon; a good job was done. The film was Ilford XP-2, which in itself can be confusing for some mini-lab attendants. I think one key is to develop a relationship with your local lab, which is one reason why I like to use the corner drug store, rather than a big-box retail place like Costco or Sam's Club.

Does anyone know how Costco handles 1/2 frames?

Yes, beautifully. Simply request 135H -- for half frame. And the Fuji developer/scanner will separate each image. Sometimes the clerks will insist it won't work, but don't take no for an answer. It's one of the few automated labs in the U.S. I know of that does half frames.

Now if only their scans were decent -- but that's another issue.
Here's an update - my local Costco does this very well if you tell them in advance. They will scan 2 1/2 frame images onto a single scan, but they will ensure focus is on the image, and not on the center area between 2 images. The Noritsu scanners they use accommodate for this.
I just have them process and return the negatives uncut. I scan myself. No reason to trust others with scanning. It's just another opportunity for mishandling and damaging the negatives.