Seattle SOS - Rolleiflex Photos


Local time
6:03 AM
Jan 10, 2014
As I'm stuck indoors, I figured it was finally time to finish scanning the photos I shot on a 1-week vacation in Seattle and Orcas Island, Washington (back in 2016). All photos were shot with vintage Rolleiflex cameras, and scanned with a Nikon 9000ED.

You can see all the photos on Blurb Books in preview mode (I recommend full screen) by clicking HERE.

Please share your thoughts :)
Hi Dan,

As one who knows Seattle and Orcas Island (living just north in Bellingham) I really enjoyed many of your images across the spectrum of the trip. Very nice work, and fun to see these many familiar places and the ferry of course, captured with your Rollei.

I was born in Seattle and my first vacation was to Orcas Island. I barely remember the island, but even though I left Seattle at twelve I went back often to see relatives. Your shots are great; nothing that I remember except the Space Needle. I really like the way you do your B&W out of the Rolleiflex. Thanks for putting this up: excellent.
Thanks David & Char. We were going to spend more time in beautiful Orcas - but a huge storm was moving in and we had to "escape" to Seattle to make sure we could get our flight a few days later. I would have liked to spend a few more weeks to really explore and shoot more.

If you like these photos, check out my website for more work: HERE. :)
Yeah, well at least you ^ still have one to get out! I sold mine long ago.
I enjoy shooting with my Perkeo and Ikontas from time to time.

Orcas is a favorite place to go not just in the San Juans but for the region! It is a beautiful Island.

Thanks - glad I got to share these photos. One thing about the new normal - there's more time to scan negs...