Sekonic LC-2 selenium meter?

Local time
9:52 AM
Mar 8, 2008
Anyone familiar with this meter? I like the look of it, and it appears to be very compact. It's a shoe-mounted selenium dealie.


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I have one of these and have been searching for a manual. Do you know if one might be available online? Thanks.

I've had it for years, but just dug it out as a possible shoe-mount for a recently acquired Contax IIa. It works, and seems pretty accurate in sunlight. A few things about it puzzle me. For example, there's a slot in the door that admits a little light even when the door is closed. This must be for metering in very bright light. But, it's not clear what on the dials, if anything, relates to this door-closed mode. A manual would help.

DOn't the dials have different numbers on them?

I had one of these, and another Selenium Sekonic which was similar, the L8 leader. I downloaded the manual for the latter before I sussed it out.

The site I got it from is defunct, but I noticed Mike Butkus, who had lots of manuals ,has that for the LEader. It might help:

The Sekonic is a neat little thing but I did find it only more marginally more useful than the Sunny 16 rule and eventually ended up with an L208!
There is just one set of numbers on the dials -- no color coding, etc. I have a Micro-Leader (battery operated), for which I got a manual from Butkus, but he has nothing on the LC-2 (selenium). You are right about it being only a cut above sunny-16, but sometimes I can use that 'cut.' Mine has been stored in the case, with its door closed, and seems very responsive.
