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Thanks Marcelo. The tactical battles on Friday and Saturday were fantastic. A full platoon with heavy weapon attachment (80 men) faced by about 200 Germans (with artillery, mortars and anti-tank weapons). There was a lot of maneuvering and probing in a snow-coated stretch of woods. Good fun, but not enough time to take many pictures...or have lunch for that matter.

The gear and clothing looks incredibly authentic. BTW, how are the 'battles' regulated? Are blanks used? Or are the guns disabled in some way?


Thanks Marcelo. The tactical battles on Friday and Saturday were fantastic. A full platoon with heavy weapon attachment (80 men) faced by about 200 Germans (with artillery, mortars and anti-tank weapons). There was a lot of maneuvering and probing in a snow-coated stretch of woods. Good fun, but not enough time to take many pictures...or have lunch for that matter.
A lot of the guns and gear is authentic. The uniforms are usually reproductions. we use blank-adapted guns and some pyrotechnics (smoke pods, thunderflash grenades and flares).
The blanks are still dangerous so a safety distance of about 10 yards is maintained for firing at someone. The rest is regulated by an honour system; If you see someone aiming in your direction you take cover or take a 'hit' and play dead or wounded for a while, until the battle has moved on or the medics come and get you.

At some other tacticals we've used referees to allocate sniper and artillery hits.

Incredible stuff! Love the attention to detail. It must give you an interesting insight into how it would have been (obviously without the absolute terror).

I have always been interested in WWII weaponry. I once purchased and old ex-WWII Mauser K98 which kicked like a mule but that was years ago as a teenager when you could get military surplus quite cheap in Australia. I think it cost less than $100 at the time.

BTW, looks frigg'n cold!

Ohh, and images are great too :)

Cheers - John

Here's some youtube footage from a fellow photographer from the battle on Saturday (my team missed the first 3 hours of this because of a breakdown with one of the GMC trucks :( ):
I finally managed to get out with mine so here's a few, nothing special. Although I'm finding the 50 framelines a bit conservative compared to what the end result is.


You can always crop, better that the other way round...

I like the second one. The first one is a little too busy for me. Although it's a nice BW-conversion.
Nice shots Guaranteed, especially the second one. Myself, I'm more annoyed at the frame-lines on my R-D1 being tilted then them not being accurate for the focal distance.

My last shot of 2011

35mm f/1.7 Ultron, wide open @ 1/30th and 1600 ISO
You can always crop, better that the other way round...

I like the second one. The first one is a little too busy for me. Although it's a nice BW-conversion.

Lol definitely better the way it is, I just hadn't recalled reading much about it and was curious how normal it was. As for the first pic I thought the same which is why I opted for the B&W. Initially I enjoyed all of the different colors but when I got to editing it was another story(Silver Efex Pro 2 for the conversion).

Nice shots Guaranteed, especially the second one. Myself, I'm more annoyed at the frame-lines on my R-D1 being tilted then them not being accurate for the focal distance.

My last shot of 2011

35mm f/1.7 Ultron, wide open @ 1/30th and 1600 ISO

Titled, I'm not sure how I'd go about dealing with that myself. Is there a fix for it?

Nice shot BTW, I may have to keep an eye out for an Ultron as my 35mm option.
medicine hat, AB yellow filter in PP cv 15mm

medicine hat, AB yellow filter in PP cv 15mm
