Share your Ricoh GR settings (any version)!


Local time
4:03 PM
May 5, 2010
Hi all,

I have found myself rethinking my Ricoh setup(s) having recently received my new GR (V).

I started out configuring it exactly like my III, which I have kept. I have found that with the extra programmable buttons, what worked efficiently (or powerfully) on the III -may not work quite as well on the V. I would particularly like to hear how you use the MYn settings!

Maybe list what version you have, and how you configured it?

I use a GR. My preferred settings for street work are TaV f8 / 200 with snap focus set at 1.5m.

My AE/AF button is set to AE Lock. I meter off any middle gray area and set AE Lock and leave it alone until the light changes. Then I press twice to set a new exposure.

This covers 90% of what I shoot, so I don't feel a need for setting custom functions. Pretty mindless, usually one-handed shooting. I love it.

Ricoh GR Digital I jpeg settings (the very first one with 8 MPix) by Cristian Sorega:

Color - high ISO (200 and over): Contrast +2, Sharpness + 1 and Color Depth -2
Color - Low ISO: Standard settings with EV -0.3
B&W: Contrast +2 and Sharpening at +1 (when using Sepia or the color filters I set the tint to -1)

I am using BW setting and jpeg up to 1600 ISO (!) are just great - camera is from 2004!
The Ricoh GR is the only camera Im currently shooting with for the time being due to some temporary circumstances. Its the first Ricoh I've ever owned, and after sometime playing with it I have now decided on what suits me best. I use TaV mode continuously. Fn1 is set to toggle between autofocus and snap focus (autofocus also gives me snap focus if I don't half press first), Fn2 sets the snap focus distance with my default being 1.5m. I've read how others use the MY1...3 settings and currently cannot see a reason to use them personally as TaV mode seems perfect. I don't have a default aperture/shutter speed combination but make adjustments as required based on lighting, desired effect and being conscious of where the ISO is moving to; and I only shoot in RAW. This is the sort of things I've been shooting with the Ricoh GR
Ricoh GR (V)
I switch between P and Av depending on if I want to lock it at f2.8.
Auto 3200 ISO with 1/60 shutter
Full press Snap mode on at 1m
Fn1 switches between Multi AF and Spot AF
Fn2 for Timer
Effect set to Snap Focus Distance
AF mode on High Speed (screen freezes but focus is faster)
ND filter on Auto
I mostly shoot M/manual, front dial=aperture, back rocker=speed, BW/raw, with ISO switchable on Fn, and magnification reachable by pressing the back rocker (along with WB etc). Right now I'm also using 1:1 ratio as a default.

I too started with a III, and got into the habit of setting My1/2/3 for different uses & looks, with one set for low light, one for high contrast BW, one for bleach bypass--plus other varying tweaks: snap focus distance, flash strength, contrast/sharpness, minimum/max iso, bracketing exposure compensation or image settings...

I have stuck with this habit with the GR, though now one (or more) of those My-settings is also dedicated to 35mm crop, ND, and 3:2 ratio. And though I have not used the P/T/A modes nearly as often, I set parameters for those as well-- usually for action stuff, like (recently) skateboarders going into/out of harsh light & deep shadows beneath an overpass. Do I remember them all? No! I might if GR were my one and only, maybe; on the other hand, it doesn't take long to review them.

On another note, I also pack optical VF for 28 & 35, and 21 if I'm using the wiiiiide goggle. And I use the P/Tvs/A modes more then, when bringing the GR up to my eye to frame/shoot.
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At the very least, using an optical VF can help me from getting obsessive about perfect framing--i.e., mistaking the GR for a mini-4x5, succumbing to miniaturized groundglass focus neurosis.

I'm also glad to read the other entries that streamline and minimize the set+forget capability. My own post above is looking more than a little O/C....
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The AE lock has been especially appealing to me. If you can recognize middle gray, it's about the fastest, most reliable metering method I can think of.

Good stuff!

I must admit that having used my III for a while, that my previous configuration was honestly not very empowering. I drove my MYn settings around the JPG, considering them to be what I was seeing at the time: standard color, vivid, or b&w. I would use them to capture the feel of the moment and then I always had the RAW file to work with for any final output. I rarely ventured past P and on even rarer occasions, I flirted with the SNAP on F1.

I was happy. Then I got the GR ... and TAv!

Well, I got TAv, the added rotary switch/button, and the extra programmable button "Effect" on the side and suddenly, the GR is really a whole new ball game in a lot of ways. Ricoh has certainly provided the user the ability to make the GR whatever the user wants. Keep it simple or throw everything in, including the kitchen sink. Well, I have decided to go the sink route! I am still feeling it out. It is a real rethink and a work in progress, hence the thread. I started feeling a bit blurred by not just all of the options, but the best, most fluid way of assembling them in a logical flow that makes sense -at least to me.

The key move for me was dispensing of SNAP as an Fn button. Once done, I figured the MYn positions could do be primary types of focus and the new Effect button could be used as intended, so...

MYn or "mode" settings
MY3: Tracking

Primary access settings
F2: 28/35/47 (Something I did not like, until I tried it. Now, it may be my favorite feature.)
Effect: Effect (My former MYn settings.)

Secondary access settings
ADJ: Meter/Focus/SnapDis
I really love my GR...and I've extolled it's virtues on other threads. It's nice having an APS-C dSLR with a 28mm lens in my pocket.

It actually frustrates me sometimes, because it's ruined almost every other camera for me. The only thing now that is satisfied by changing cameras is the shooting's not the result of a technical need.
And your settings?

I really love my GR...and I've extolled it's virtues on other threads. It's nice having an APS-C dSLR with a 28mm lens in my pocket.

It actually frustrates me sometimes, because it's ruined almost every other camera for me. The only thing now that is satisfied by changing cameras is the shooting's not the result of a technical need.
I like this idea, Jeff. Streamlined, smart. Thanks.

Well thanks. I think it demonstrates the power that Ricoh has provided. The GR can be just about whatever one would choose. You could map it whichever way might make sense to you and your style.

My intent was to try and develop a sort of hierarchy with regards to speed or even need to access settings. (ie) Let the MYn settings govern the mode of shooting at the time. Let the Fn settings be for primary, quick access to frequently changed items. Let the ADJ wheel be the secondary, deeper access.

Now that I have had a play (and I am expecting a 21mm wide), I am expanding my programming further and I am reconsidering changing the MYn mode feel from focus type to more of a shooting style type.

A bit of a rewrite and a perpetual work in progress, something like...


ADJ: Meter/Focus/ISO


GENERAL PURPOSE (SPOT focus, camera set for everyday shooting.)

F2: 28/35/47
Effect: Effect


STREET (SNAP focus.)


F2: 28/35/47
Effect: Effect


EDIT: The following will NOT work! The CONVERSION LENS setting is camera-wide, so it is not a setting saved to a MYn. Still thinking...

21mm (MULTI focus. CONVERSION LENS set to: WIDE)


Effect: Effect
The Ricoh GR is the only camera Im currently shooting with for the time being due to some temporary circumstances. Its the first Ricoh I've ever owned, and after sometime playing with it I have now decided on what suits me best. I use TaV mode continuously. Fn1 is set to toggle between autofocus and snap focus (autofocus also gives me snap focus if I don't half press first), Fn2 sets the snap focus distance with my default being 1.5m. I've read how others use the MY1...3 settings and currently cannot see a reason to use them personally as TaV mode seems perfect. I don't have a default aperture/shutter speed combination but make adjustments as required based on lighting, desired effect and being conscious of where the ISO is moving to; and I only shoot in RAW. This is the sort of things I've been shooting with the Ricoh GR

Really nice pictures your making with that GR!
Interesting reading others settings. I just got a GR2 and have been thinking about MY settings. So far I really wish I could customize a button to turn the AF assist lamp on/off. Or even if the different MY settings could determine the assist light being on or off. I hate diving into the menu to find that and I frequently do at night...

Anyone figure this out?
Interesting reading others settings. I just got a GR2 and have been thinking about MY settings. So far I really wish I could customize a button to turn the AF assist lamp on/off. Or even if the different MY settings could determine the assist light being on or off. I hate diving into the menu to find that and I frequently do at night...

Anyone figure this out?

I just looked and it seems that feature cannot be assigned to a button. Why not make OFF the default and include ON in one of your MY functions?

Thanks for the reply John. I can't find any option for it in the MY settings. But I am new to this camera... If you do happen to come across a solution please do post it here. Many thanks.

So far, this is the only fault I found for the little wonder camera. The customization options are quite amazing.
MY setting will save whatever your active settings are under a MY dial position.

Presumably, you have additional settings with which you feel the focus assist light is important. Set all of them and then save that configuration to one of your MY functions. All those settings will be saved.

That's different from button assignments, which launch a feature and give you the option to set it.

Hope that makes sense.


Thanks for the reply John. I can't find any option for it in the MY settings. But I am new to this camera... If you do happen to come across a solution please do post it here. Many thanks.

So far, this is the only fault I found for the little wonder camera. The customization options are quite amazing.