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Thank you Monz,
I was actually testing a Widelux VI which I ended up not buying but I'll be looking out for a VII as I enjoyed a lot the 26mm.
Are you using any original filters with your camera?

@Jean-Marc: I don't have the original set of Widelux fllters but I am on the look-out for them. I think the ND filter and maybe the 'yellow' are the most important ones from the set.

Buying a Widelux is always a bit of a gamble. Watch out for banding issues.
xpan/ tmax p3200


Buying a Widelux is always a bit of a gamble. Watch out for banding issues.

Do you notice the banding issues when digging deep into the shadows or working on a thin negative ?

The banding is most noticeable in large areas of uniform colours such as skies or large walls. You see alternating vertical bands of light and dark. The usual cause is unsmooth rotation of the turret due to dirt getting into the turret gear mechanism.