Snapper Nicked in UK, Held 2 Days, No Charges

I think you may have hit on it.

It won't be illegal to own a camera, but they will all be registered, and all photos must be submitted to the government for approval before showing them to anyone else. If you are convicted of making subversive artwork, it's Gitmo for you - they'll have some room once they turn the terrorists loose.
(I don't know how to do the proper quote thing..)

Sounds alot like the situation for photographers in East Germany before the wall came down. There was a really great exhibition touring the UK last year called; 'Do Not Refreeze', I saw the lecture and exhibition at Nottingham University, it was very interesting.

It's quite amazing the level of creativity that was cultivated under extreme limitations and opression, such as those behind the wall.
Let me be clear that I'm not in any way wishing for more limitations, or opression for that matter!! One camera, one lens a day should do for me!