Some pictures about Konica M-Hexanon 60mm/f1.2

These lenses are made to be used.. i'm glad these folks are using the lens even if they're still in 'testing' phase is by no means an indicator of skill or vision. As if we were competing for an Olympic Gold sometimes I feel.. :rolleyes:

I personally enjoy the rendition of the lens, cost? who cares.

Thanks for sharing the images, I actually found this on a google search and helped my research.

P.S. "Blurry" people photos here:
An interesting lens indeed. I do find the out of focus rendition on foliage a bit busy compared to other background. Would love to see images from the original LTM version as well.

An original version going through ebay now. At that price, I think it will be there for a while - surely?

I would not mind owning one but 20.000$ is a price / performance joke.

Same with the Zunow 1.1

Zunow sample here...