Some Retina II Photos


In Tabulas Argenteas Refero
Local time
2:44 PM
Jul 31, 2007
A month ago I partook in the LPLG multi-period living history weekend in the Netherlands. Like the idiot I am I forgot my digital camera and was relying on one of my not-so-trusty Kodak Medalists and my Retina II (model 142).
My Retina does have some small quirks but it has never let me down.




Normally I don't like the very grainy pictures, but Adox CHS 100 ART produced some 'authentic' looking photos

Let me know what you think ;)
I would say that one could not have done a better job had one planned out carefully what camera, film, etc. to take. In other words, well done!


I guesstimated all the f/stops settings for the exposures. It seems I'm getting better at it. I thought these were the best three of the lot. The rest can be found in my Blog/Galleries, compared to the work of most people here they're rubbish ;).
Mr_Flibble said:
A month ago I partook in the LPLG multi-period living history weekend in the Netherlands. Like the idiot I am I forgot my digital camera and was relying on one of my not-so-trusty Kodak Medalists and my Retina II (model 142).
My Retina does have some small quirks but it has never let me down.




Normally I don't like the very grainy pictures, but Adox CHS 100 ART produced some 'authentic' looking photos

Let me know what you think ;)

This style of shooting is what I like so much about photography! (if you look at my pictures -see gallery -you may understand while I like yours!