Sometimes I feel like a Leica-M5-less child...


My M5s need red dots!
Local time
11:10 PM
Jul 30, 2003
Sometimes I feel like a Leica-M5-less child,
Sometimes I feel like a Leica-M5-less child,
Sometimes I feel like a Leica-M5-less child,
Then I get out of the house and shoot...

What can be done to alleviate this?

I have a mortgage to pay,
I have car payments to make,
A child to feed,
Cats to take to the vet...

Time to grab a camera and take a little walk...
Not always works, but for now, it's the only way to face the urge.
What do you do? How do you cope, every time you feel
like a Leica-M5-less child?

Let me know...
Sometimes I feel like a Leica-M5-less child,
Sometimes I feel like a Leica-M5-less child,
Sometimes I feel like a Leica-M5-less child,
Then I get out of the house and shoot...

What can be done to alleviate this?

I have a mortgage to pay,
I have car payments to make,
A child to feed,
Cats to take to the vet...

Time to grab a camera and take a little walk...
Not always works, but for now, it's the only way to face the urge.
What do you do? How do you cope, every time you feel
like a Leica-M5-less child?

Let me know...

Richie Havens: Freedom: 1969 Woodstock USA

M5 Blues ???
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Right you are Richie Havens did sing that tune at Woodstock.

How about eating the cats thereby saving money on vets and food.... a twofer! :D
Sell a few other things if money is all that is holding you up. You can't not have an M5 and shoot it too.
A dilemma maybe we have all faced or about to face for sure, I feel for you and think those lyrics you have paraphrased could be written in Bb with a nice drawling blues harp as well. We have plenty of guitarists in this forum, lets jam. Amazing what one will do to get a piece of metal and plastic and glass in their hands.
I've been studying classical guitar for the last 6 years... Have no clue as to how to strum this piece... but I heard it a loooooooong time ago, and it's haunting beauty impressed me so much that I hum it... when I feel like a motherless chile.

BTW, I got over the Leica-M5-less-ness... Wasn't too hard. :) And then I played with my son, fed the cats and photographed the house!
Sorry, Blake, but disagree. Lots of musicians trained in classics can play pretty much everything they want. Now, whether you like what they do is another story.