Somewhere in the world, it's Red Oktober!

Comrade Custard, a Trabant Kombi and the Grey Wartburg, both post-Mauerfall end of era.

Werra 3
Carl Zeiss Jena Flektogon 35mm f2.8
Orwo N74 in PMK-Pyro 1-2-100

Thank you very much for your attention, davidnewtonguitars, Pioneer and CharlesDAMorgan. In fact, the film failed, this is the only frame.(
In accordance with expectations, liked photos Vnukov and Pioneer.)
And Yes, Trabant has its own facial expression - a good choice!)
Panda - as times on the table one a fresh copy, love 61LD, pandas - little met. This Panda of mine needs prophylaxis.
I'm not quite sure what happened to this one, but I like it nonetheless.
I think it's flare/reflection from something inside my Canon 7.

Untitled by Colton Allen, on Flickr
Canon 7 Rangefinder
Jupiter-8 50/2
Expired Ferrania Solaris 200
Epson V750​
Zenit 12XP wit GRANIT zoom

Zenit 12XP wit GRANIT zoom

Zenit 12XP with the 80-200mm GRANIT zoom at Lisbon’s fleamarket last Saturday. Film was Fujicolor C200









Kiev At Rest

Kiev At Rest

As the end of October approaches on of my little Kievs is anticipated a much deserved rest.


Kiev 4a - Helios 103 - Kodak TMAX 100
The Book

The Book

I have read many books on photography over the years but this little book, given to my by my Mother many, many, many years ago, is still my favorite. The cameras and the film are long out of date but the ideas are timeless.


Kiev 4a - Helios 103 - Kodak TMAX 100
I have read many books on photography over the years but this little book, given to my by my Mother many, many, many years ago, is still my favorite. The cameras and the film are long out of date but the ideas are timeless.

Nice shot, and thanks for the book recommendation :)
Oh, a bullseye Contarex!

Yes. They are kind of an obsession of mine. I picked mine up several years ago when they were very inexpensive and then had Henry perform his magic on them. I obviously love the lenses but I enjoy using the cameras just as much. Once serviced they are amazingly reliable.

But, they are not Kievs which have a magic and charm all their own. Believe it or not I'm not really sure which I enjoy using more. For some out there I think that FSU cameras are frustrating; but for me they bring a type of freedom that is hard to explain. When I'm using them I don't really seem to care that the shutter speeds aren't as accurate as they could be or that the film transport systems have their hiccups occasionally. I just shoot them for the fun of it. And they are a lot of fun! :D

I now own three Kievs, I think they are related to rabbits since they do seem to breed quite rapidly. Two of them work most of the time while the other, a 4AM, died very soon after it arrived at my house. One day I will probably tear it apart and see if I can get it running again. Until then it just sits in a drawer patiently waiting for me to get to it.

I do use them occasionally throughout the year just to exercise them, but this is their month so they get a ton of work in October. Interestingly I think they are the only cameras I own that have their own special month.
Nice shot, and thanks for the book recommendation :)
Thanks for the compliment.

As for the book I believe that particular book was published by Kodak in many different editions.

I have a much earlier version but the one shown in the image, and the one I seem to reference the most, is the 22nd Edition that was published in 1936. I really don't think it really matters which edition you pick up with the obvious exception that the information in the later versions will be more current.

Most of the books produced by Kodak, and there were many over the years, tend to be pretty good references on their topic.
Yes. They are kind of an obsession of mine. I picked mine up several years ago when they were very inexpensive and then had Henry perform his magic on them. I obviously love the lenses but I enjoy using the cameras just as much. Once serviced they are amazingly reliable.

But, they are not Kievs which have a magic and charm all their own. Believe it or not I'm not really sure which I enjoy using more. For some out there I think that FSU cameras are frustrating; but for me they bring a type of freedom that is hard to explain. When I'm using them I don't really seem to care that the shutter speeds aren't as accurate as they could be or that the film transport systems have their hiccups occasionally. I just shoot them for the fun of it. And they are a lot of fun! :D

I now own three Kievs, I think they are related to rabbits since they do seem to breed quite rapidly. Two of them work most of the time while the other, a 4AM, died very soon after it arrived at my house. One day I will probably tear it apart and see if I can get it running again. Until then it just sits in a drawer patiently waiting for me to get to it.

I do use them occasionally throughout the year just to exercise them, but this is their month so they get a ton of work in October. Interestingly I think they are the only cameras I own that have their own special month.

I know exactly what you mean about the liberating effects. I had a good wander today with my Zorki, a wee bit lighter than my M5 that it alternated with. I might find a Kiev and have a play with it, the lenses tend to be a bit more affordable here too.

It's rather like the difference between your beater car, it doesn't have aircon and lets in a bit of water, but it's simpler to work on and you don't have to plug it in, unlike your contemporary car that is so much smarter.
I know exactly what you mean about the liberating effects. I had a good wander today with my Zorki, a wee bit lighter than my M5 that it alternated with. I might find a Kiev and have a play with it, the lenses tend to be a bit more affordable here too.

It's rather like the difference between your beater car, it doesn't have aircon and lets in a bit of water, but it's simpler to work on and you don't have to plug it in, unlike your contemporary car that is so much smarter.


And if something goes wrong you can always blame the camera!! :D
And as this month comes to a close, I thank all that made this so much fun! Keep shooting these funky fun kameras komrads. But there is only one Red Oktober.

Zenit 212K, Pentax 28mm, Fuji 400

Mockba 5 White Russian, Fuji NPS 160

Fed 2, 5cm 2.8, Fuji Pro160s

Until next year!