Sony A7ii grips?


Local time
2:08 PM
Sep 20, 2014
Hi folks, looking for alternatives for the Sony A7ii battery grip. I'd love to have just the form of the grip but don't necessarily need the two batteries in the grip. I have large fingers and my pinky and my fourth finger usually hang off the bottom ...

Looking for suggestions that are cheaper than the Sony battery grip too. It's expensive!
I have the Meike grip made for a7II and never had an issue with it. The fit and finish are top notch. And it comes with a wireless remote timer as well.
I have the Meike grip for the A7ii as well. It is terrific. I haven't delivered enough abuse to tell you whether it's more rugged than Sony's or others, but it does everything it should, will give you the added grip area, the on-grip controls all work. I could not be happier with this modest purchase.

Added feature: It includes a wireless remote shutter release!
Another vote for the Meike grip. It works well and, for me at least, hasn't presented any problems.
This one showed up after a quick search:{creative}%2C{keyword}&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqvvLBRDIARIsAMYuvBEikrAy6niSgkSlic5MLJJ4aZWn6XjSTV3d8eAgJwERNNLtJ1kQJV0aAt9AEALw_wcB&is=REG&m=Y&sku=1151222

Certainly inexpensive enough!
I've been very pleased with the Lennon grip extender/Arca baseplate. It is light, very nicely made, and really makes the camera more ergonomic. The grip extender under the battery is hinged so you don't have to take the door off the battery compartment. $49 on Amazon.

PS Despite the photo showing it on an APS-C Sony, it fits my A7III perfectly.