Other Areas Southern California (OC) ?

I'll try to be around Sat. something came up though...weirdest assignment...shooting a Competitive Eating Contest at the Queen Mary....should be neat...starts at 1pm, but i'm planning to go a little early to get some behind the scenes stuff
jano said:

Kind of a two-way thingy here :)

I'd like to see if anyone near Orange County is ever willing to get together for a friendly walk about and shoot with RF's.

Also.. I'm part of a local photo club here, and we need more members. I'm pretty much the last one shooting film, would be nice to have a few on my side ;) We meet once a month, on the second saturday at the Cowgirl Cafe in Santa Ana. We've been around for about a year and half, still kind of getting our feet wet in terms of critiques and becoming better photographers, but our field trips thus far have all been a blast.

Feel free to contact me pm or email :)

I am just north of the Orange curtain, but am willing to play as long as my wheelchair can make it. what time and what day do you meet?
jano said:
Our next meeting is this saturday at 8am. Field trip will be the Lake Shrine in the Pacific Palisades (near sunset blvd & PCH).

cjm: we meet at the cafe, have breakfast, critique prints from our last field trip, do a little talk about the group direction (we are relativley new), and then head out to the location. That's the idea, anyway. :p In the past we ended up socializing more, but the last few meetings we're trying to focus more on photography. We'd love to see you there, even if you can't make the trip (i need people on my side for filM!)

I just set us up with a website, so have a lookski :)

Eric.. I just came from prophoto. I'm trying to get them to print me my first 120 B&W film from the iskra, so I see what it looks like. But I have to go there again tomorrow as they are having trouble with the machine.

Rhad: sorry to hear about the commute. You might want to look into more local photo clubs. I do drive a bit to get to this one, though, as I live in Dana Point.

Xcapekey: I haven't tried any other clubs yet. I kinda like this one, since it's still relativley new and people like my photos :D Since we're going up to LA, I'm going to try to convince my carpool group to stob in LB on the way back and check out your gallery. Any chance you can be there? :)


well I will be in Tijuana seeing 97 children at a medical clinic, when is the next one?
Hi Dan.. see http://www.photodeviants.com We meet on the second saturday of every month, 8am at the cowgirl cafe in santa ana. We go to our field trip following this. I think the Cow Girl cafa is ada compliant, I am not sure. No idea whether a wheel chair can get to our field trip location this month.
They won't stand a chance. Not only will we outnumber them, but we can beat them to bloody pulps with our brick rangefinders :D (referencing the weight of the old leica's, canonets, argus c3's etc hahahaha).
Jano, the name doesn't ring a bell but I'd probably recognize him if I saw him.

If you look up the term "Laid Back" in the dictionary, you'll see John's picture. He is a good guy but very, very, very unflappable.
Man, I'd love to join y'all, this saturday's booked. Keep this thread going, I'll meet you next month. You will love the Lake Shrine. I visited there a few years ago. Great place for photos.
Gerry, john gave me a discount because of all the trouble I went through with some silly prints, very kind of him.

Rodinal Addict, sure, will do so. Would be nice to get a little rain to clean up the air a bit :p
Put me on your "Reminder List"...I can't make it this weekend but may be able to next time with some notice.
I'm a bit north of Santa Ana but not too bad of a drive.
Would be worth the drive to see others with the same..........addiction.
Hey everyone.. our field trip on saturday to Lake Shrine was a success.. only had time to put up a few pictures from a couple members (not everyone has sent me some photos), here: http://photodeviants.com/feb06.html

I hope we see at least ONE of you on the next one, March 11, 2006 (mark your calendars). We're going to the animal park in Escondido and neighboring areas in case anyone gets bored of the animals.

By the way, I stoped by at Russ's (xcapekey) gallery in Long Beach on the way back. Very nice work, looks awesome! I wanted to stay longer thanks to the hip college crowd, but had to run.
jano...glad u could stop by and check out the pics! i was out shooting a competitive eating contest....let's just say i never want to eat another plate of chili cheese fries ever again....it was a fun to shoot, but the food got to me after a while...

amazingly, the winner was a japanese woman who weighed about 100 lbs...she put away 9lbs of chili fries in 10 minutes....
Ah, the Wienerschnitzel chili chese fry eating contest. My brother was there cheering on a friend eating it. My associate at work used to be VP Ops for the company. Small world :)

Thanks for the pointer to this thread. I'll try to make it to one of the meetings. Although I may not be able to back you up on the film side (RD-1 user)...

aizan said:
if one of your field trips ever creep their way around torrance (fat chance), i'll be there!

Aizan, maybe there's enough people here for a South Bay RFF group (I'm in Manhattan Beach)...

You know I followed this through like half a dozen threads that failed... I miss one and it is a success:(

I am in San Marcos California (Very North San Diego).
Sorry to hear that :( You are welcome to join us on our next field trip to the wild animal park in san diego on the 11th of march... :)
Hey, that is about 10 minutes from me:)

But the 2nd Saturday of every month is the one day I work with one of my clients. The only Saturday I work:( Geeze. Talk about irritatingly frustrating!

Ah well... maybe the next time?
You all have to post pictures from soCal. Just random pics of the place. I miss my hometown. Anywhere from La Jolla to Santa Barbara . . .
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I was born in Tarzana (Los Angeles), spent my first 2 years in Los Angeles (Hancock Park), then the next 10 years in Thousand Oaks. Have family in Santa Barbara and El Segundo and La Jolla and LA.