
My pandemic project involves cleaning my wood shop, computer room, garage, snow off driveway from polar vortex, and disasters as they occur.

Up to 40 today and snow is doing a slow melt. The median strip in my street has 3 feet of snow, 2 feet on either side of my drive. Polar vortex.
To peterm1: like your wood/metal work! Excellent projects.

To RichC: like your isolation photos! I also did night/ snow type pictures. Living in Canada it feels like I don't have a choice!
I don't have a particular 'pandemic project', unless you consider keeping my commercial photography business afloat a project. Actually it hasn't been too bad - my clients have managed to keep me relatively busy and I've even picked up a few new clients along the way, so no real complaints in that department.

I haven't been able to get back out West since December of 2019 -- I was supposed to have been part of an 'artist in residence' program in New Mexico last month, but that got postponed due to the current situation. Other than that, I'm still trying to 'do my scales' with personal work around the house and the odd day trip, as well as probably spending too much money on old weird cameras this past year. Ah well.
To peterm1: like your wood/metal work! Excellent projects.

To RichC: like your isolation photos! I also did night/ snow type pictures. Living in Canada it feels like I don't have a choice!

Thanks! I'm in Brighton, UK. It rarely snows here - it's snowed once this winter and settled, a mere 5 mm (1/4 in.)! Winters here grey, dull, often wet and 0–5°C... and generally somewhat depressing!
Thanks! I'm in Brighton, UK. It rarely snows here - it's snowed once this winter and settled, a mere 5 mm (1/4 in.)! Winters here grey, dull, often wet and 0–5°C... and generally somewhat depressing!

Nice! I have a cousin in Brighton. Been there a few times- lovely place. Your images struck a chord with me. That being said, I might not travel to northern Finland in the winter. :D
Other than a sub-thread of masking pictures, I do not think of my little projects as Covid inspired. Rather, due to Covid, lockdowns, and lack of travel, I just found more time to do things that were on the back burner.

Exactly... but I'm talking of the people who specifically name Covid, pandemic, quarantine, etc in the title of their project. There's nothing wrong with this at all. My point was that, like you, I didn't want my projects to be about the pandemic.
Yes, you are correct: there are many covid projects around. But what I think can be interesting is that each of them is different from the others. Because each project reflects the different situations, the different circumstances, the different personalities of the author. Which is one of the reason for which photography is interesting, same subject different views.

Sure, I understand... I'm just not interested generally speaking. It's just not the type of photography I'm looking at at the moment. In the future, maybe I will look at it.
I have been spending an increased amount of time promoting and developing the New Mexico Film Photographers group. We previously met monthly and we did some exhibits at Albuquerque libraries. A year ago the exhibits were no longer an option and the meetings were forced online. The group meetings for a couple years were free-form with no agenda; the motto is No Rules - No Dues. The online meetings seem to call for a little more structure and they actually make sharing our work a little easier. We have a Flickr Group and a Facebook Group. Recently, we have gone to two meetings per month. At our next meeting we'll be looking at some found photography. The mid-month meeting will feature a photo challenge exercise.

NM Film Photogs by Mike Connealy, on Flickr
Thank you willie_901. much appreciated.

@jsrockit: I kinda agree with you but on the other hand, I think a lot of us where just making do with what was available. Not making excuses, just sayin' :)
And as the OP mentioned, it gave a lot of us the time to go through old material and organize.

Covid helped me in 1) to sort through negatives so I have a better overview of what I have and 2) to figure out how to get along with my TLR which became my summer of Covid thing. However, and as I mentioned, it didn't start then but it really took off during that period. It will not end as I really got the hang of the TLR and am really into the results I've been getting.

So yeah, you could say those are Covid projects but they are, at least for me, mainly back burner projects that suddenly found themselves reactivated due to Covid and an abundance of time on my hands.