Street Photography - A Lesson Learning

Ι've never had any confrontations in the street personally, but I'm 6'5" 130kg and not a big fan of shaving, maybe thats got something to do with it :p
Often people apologise for getting in my shot though LOL

But seriously, you have to be quick and efficient. You have to know your lens and learn to see with your hands a little bit, you cant afford to take your time framing. A lot of good street photography is done like that. For example I was looking at Stan Raucher's work today, good stuff. You can tell that a lot of his photos are made from somewhere between his lap and his chin, particularly his "metro" and "Parisian gestures" series. Unless he is reeeeally short LOL Sometimes you have to do this to get your shot.

I'm 6'2" and and 185 lbs, so I'm a little less imposing than Spyro.

Stan Raucher

BTW, what's a viewfinder?