street photography + harassment...

There are some amazing photos on this thread. In fact, I think this has some of the best photos I've seen on RFF!

Airfrogusmc -- !!!

NikkorAis -- !!! -- the photo of the accident -- powerful
I can't really claim BG was upset from my photo... that's just the way he looked. It was however, a definite shoot now - think later moment of mine.

EDIT: and I suppose I do owe that he was very nice and personable (another data point for the pro and con BG fanatics)
Just shoot... then post online :)
I do know the awkwardness that can be experienced by the street photographer, which for me stems from empathy for the (potentially) unwilling subject. But still, in my mind, all roads lead to more or less a feeling of who cares, man. Just another spice of life.

Brilliant. Just brilliant. :D
Ha Ha you upset Bruce Gilden by taking his picture - that's pretty funny in an ironic way.
If there's ANYONE who has not a leg to stand on when it comes to being upset over someone photographing him, it is the redoubtable Messr. Gilden. :rolleyes:

I get photographed on the street - mostly when I'm out doing street photography. It doesn't upset me - in fact, I think it's kinda cool to see others out doing street photography.

Don't let the idiots get you down - just keep on making images, doing your thing...