Substitute for the Fuji 18mm

Suggestion: Read this thread from the beginning. You won't find a better equivalent lens at this price point.

Hi Machspeed. Thanks for your reply. I can assure you that I always read threads from the beginning, I have always thought this to be a logical place to start. Your point about the "price point" of the lens is a valid one. I guess I am just very demanding in that, I expect a product to match up to manufactures claims. Its a failing of mine.

All the best.
I guess I am just very demanding in that, I expect a product to match up to manufactures claims.

Which of Fuji's claims about the 18/2 are inaccurate?

I mean, seriously.

The lens has a bit of coma (hence the eminently-correctable-in-post fringing), but Fuji was honest and brave enough to put up a golldarned starfield image on the lens's example page which shows the aberration quite clearly.

I don't recall Leica showing a full-resolution starfield image for the 28 Summicron ASPH (equivalent angle of view and aperture, remember) — or any of their other lenses, for that matter. You know why Leica doesn't do it? Because it is exactly the sort of shot that shows coma, that's why. Not to mention sensor noise.

With that sort of forthrightness, it's obnoxious to imply that Fuji is not being honest about the lens's performance.
Hi Machspeed. Thanks for your reply. I can assure you that I always read threads from the beginning, I have always thought this to be a logical place to start. Your point about the "price point" of the lens is a valid one. I guess I am just very demanding in that, I expect a product to match up to manufactures claims. Its a failing of mine.

All the best.

I'd love to know which alternative 18mm (28mm equiv) f2 pancake lens lens you're going to buy for $600us instead of the Fuji....
I'd love to have this lens in an M-mount with manual focusing & aperture! I could use it on my Ricoh GXR....
Yeah Gavin, I'm with you. Unrealistic expectations.

I have always found that the imposition of apparently unrealistic expectations result in those unrealistic expectations being met!


But then I am unreasonably demanding.

All the best.
I have always found that the imposition of apparently unrealistic expectations result in those unrealistic expectations being met!


So, you think someone will bring out a 18mm f/2 lens that performs better for less than $600?