Australia/New Zealand Sydney Camera Fair

Justin Viiret

Local time
10:02 PM
Jun 15, 2005
Hi everyone,

A friend mentioned that there's a Sydney camera fair on this month, on Sunday the 23rd of October. Don't have any more details than that, though I'm about to send him an email and find out where/when.

Anyone have more information, or going along to take a look?
That will be the one at Ultimo, in the community centre. I'm not going back there - last time I went I ended up buying an M5!
Well, if anyone else is going it would be nice to meet. Unfortunately I will not be checking the forum after this post (before going too the market) so; I'm 6 foot tall (180cm) freshly shorn head and a handle bar moustache. I will be bent over the tables looking at stuff, so you will have to tap me on the shoulder. If anyone sees a Mamiya Universal or Press going for a song shout out; Mark! I found the Mamiya.

Well. I had fun.
Justin, I did not see you but then I did not know what you look like And there were no Mamiya Press cameras available (that I saw).
Saw a guy with a Yashica GSN over his shoulder and later bumped into him (while he was showing it off to a stall holder). I told him he should Check out RFF and he said he already does: Dfin, hello again.

I did about four circuits of the hall and each time I would see something that was missed the first time.
On my second circuit I stopped and agonised for half an hour over a Rolleiflex (3.5F) that was a bargain (he had a table full of them) and finally said yes I'll take it.
$100 AUD.
OK so the slow shutter speeds (sub 1/8) are quite a bit slower than they should be I thought that that was OK as I almost never shoot that slow. Other wise in very good condition. I then succumbed to his salesmanship and got a pentaprism for it (admittedly with a crack across the corner) for $30 and a little hood for $10.
I only got the penta prism because he said that I would regret it if I didn't. I thought that he was probably 100% correct.
I was tempted to spring for the recently serviced one for $400 but I really wanted to have a play with MF before spending proper money on a MF camera system.
I'm going to Tasmania for a few days soon and was considering hiring an Xpan but that would be at $90 a day. $100 for a camera seemed too simple a decision to make.
So: Happy as Larry. Just have to find some film that's on special.
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Good one, Mark. I think you got off lightly! I had to give it a miss this time; just as well after my last effort!

What else did you see that looked interesting?
Koni- Omega rapid for $250, after I'd spent my money.
Fuji 690 in someones grubby Hands! ie. not mine. Price - no idea.
Developing equipment galore but I'd spent my allowance (on the edge partner at home on my return; "Which money did you spend?" I had to repeat; "My money" a few times in different ways before she believed me).
M5 for $2200.
M4-2 for $900
Ricoh 500G for $15.
Bessa II for $680! Reduced from $800.
Rolleiflex with a motor wind?!
Pistol grip for the Rolleiflex.
Buckets of LTM leicas They are usually overpriced at this market (or is that in general) Whoosh! I suddenly felt hot.
CV bodies and lenses at prices greater than or equal to new at Gandy.
Voigtlander early SLR with what the seller claimed was the first Zoom lens. Stupendously large. Seemed to have rails on each side.

But what I didn't see was a stop to my madness.

Who's got a rollekin? Perhaps a bit broken? I want to make some Xpan style negs.
I know, don't be stupid and all that just crop the scanned neg but I've got a pile of 35mm film at the moment. Refer to short previous paragraph.
Know how you feel. I missed the last one. I suppose I could have gone to this one but only found out on Saturday. In a way I'm glad - I've decided to save for a Zeiss Ikon zm and don't want any distractions :)

Is there a calendar so I can give my wife more warning?

G`day Tarzak, turns out my $10.00 Yashica GT isn`t quiet the bargain that I thought it was.The lens has some fugus inside and it has a bit of a dent in the bottom plate,on one corner. Still, all the lights work,the shutter speeds sound about right,the rest of the body looks OK, so I might just treat it to a CLA, and then run some film through it. Good luck with your Tassie trip, and don`t forget to count the heads!!
John, et al -- I used to have coffee every week or two with a bunch of Leicaphiles in Adelaide, before I moved here to Sydney. Would love to catch up with some locals for a coffee or something on the weekend -- anyone interested in teeing something up? Somewhere central, in the CBD, perhaps?
I'm game - but I can't suggest anywhere in particular as I tend to notice pubs more than coffee shops (and spend more time in 'em).

Dfin said:
G`day Tarzak, turns out my $10.00 Yashica GT isn`t quiet the bargain that I thought it was.The lens has some fugus inside and it has a bit of a dent in the bottom plate,on one corner. Still, all the lights work,the shutter speeds sound about right,the rest of the body looks OK, so I might just treat it to a CLA, and then run some film through it. Good luck with your Tassie trip, and don`t forget to count the heads!!

Must be something to do with the light in that hall (or just the excitement of finding something that you're looking for) that you can overlook faults that jump out as soon as you get home. At a previous market I got an Oly XA that looked good and you just had to open the lens cover the right way for it to work. Got home, lens suddenly ridden with fungus. :bang:

As to the heads; that's why I got an MF camera - to fit them all in.
Justin Viiret said:
Would love to catch up with some locals for a coffee or something on the weekend -- anyone interested in teeing something up? Somewhere central, in the CBD, perhaps?

I'm game too after November 9. Weeknights may suit me also.