Thanks a lot, San Francisco RFF members!!


My M5s need red dots!
Local time
5:29 AM
Jul 30, 2003
This is the best way to thank, collective and publicly, to those RFF members who were so generous and patient with me while I visited San Francisco. I just came back... and want to go back!! What a cool city! But, like in most cases, the people are what make it great.

Here's something I managed to capture (digitally, gasp!) with my D700 and the monster of a lens I had with (an AF-S 24-70 f2.8).


Ducks in Chinatown


Girls in Union Square


Inside Li-Po Bar in Chinatown


Girl skating near the Ferry Building


Going up Powell Street on a Street car at night, hanging off the step!

So, thanks a lot, Thomas (Sysiphus), Kent (Kedemas), Kevin (Papercut), Bob (Bobkonos), Steve (Bingley), Mike (MikeL), Ray (RayPA) and JD! It was fun to meet with people who speak the same language and go to the street with a camera.

The pleasure was ours. It was great to meet you and hopefully we'll have a chance to burn some film/pixels in the future together.

Take care,

Francisco.... I really like the shutter drag on the ice skater, very nice shot! I am tempted to get a D700, upgrading form my D300. Still holding out, but I'm wearing down!

Stay warm back in Chicago! It was 70 here today, I drove home with the top down on my car ;-)

Francisco -- Just caught up w/ this thread! These are wonderful photos! It was great to meet and shoot w/ you (even if briefly... :eek:) I hope you and your wife had a good time in Carmel too. Please let us all know next time you're in the Bay Area, and we'll try to arrange another meet. Many more places to see... :)
I like these shots a lot, but there's some really severe compression artifacts. Did you resize images very small, then larger....or maybe, did you make file sizes really small? It can take some work to get thing looking nice on the web.
Thanks for floating this back to the top, Steve. I didn't see this.
Francisco, I had a great time and it was a pleasure to meet you and shoot with you.

Francisco, it was great to meet and shoot with you awhile. Tickled pink that you enjoyed your time out here. Come back again soon, as Steve said, there are a lot more places to see! :D

-- Kevin

PS the duck shot makes me hungry!
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