The best times for photography.

The best times for photography are when you see photographs.

But doesn't it so often seem like when you see photographs, the camera is at home? That's why the gods gave us the Rollei 35, so that we could quit whining about not having a camera along!
But doesn't it so often seem like when you see photographs, the camera is at home? That's why the gods gave us the Rollei 35, so that we could quit whining about not having a camera along!
Well, I always have some kind of camera with me, even if it's just my phone nowadays. Whenever I go out for any kind of a walk or bicycle ride, there's always some camera in my bag or pocket.

What's a pain is when I go out with the intent of making photographs, have all the good equipment with me, and see nothing. That's just no fun. ;)
