The Big Nikon S Camera Body Problem


Local time
8:26 PM
Nov 14, 2007
I don't own a Nikon rangefinder, but I am interested in the camera and hope some day to get one.

While browsing around on the internet I came across a very informative and, what looks to me, authoritative website about Contax rangefinders ( In an article called "
The Big Nikon S Camera Body Problem" ( Scroll down to the bottom of the webpage) the author claims that Nikon used some super carcinogenic chemical -- chromic acid -- to tan the leather covering the camera.

I googled "chromic acid" and Nikon and did not come up with anything related except the original article.

Has anyone here ever heard of this?

I was thinking the same thing. It's simple enough to strip off the old material and replace it with something else.

I was just enjoying this comment from Henry:

"I also believe this leather also caused a fair number of fatal sinus cancers."​

Once again, these kind of comments from Henry need to be supported by empirical evidence. That is, real numbers.
One of the great, vast, right wing conspiracies of the corporate world. Nikon managed to keep the deaths of thousands, maybe tens of thousand, Nikon users from the mainstream media.

Sorry, can't help it. Everything kills you today. Back in my father's day everyone lived forever.
I dont see it as a problem, as, according to the Aztec calender, the world will end in 2012 anyway. Not much chance of catching anything from a Nikon S in the next two years!
Now I get it... It was all a revenge from the lost war; the same as all those Contax IIa and IIIa that left the factory and never worked. Sweet revenge! :D:D:D

Beati pauperes spiritu
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Henry has made himself out to be a complete idiot with some of his articles.

Not just this one.
As I see it, Henry Scherer is known around here for three things, Rob:

1. Thorough and -- for the effort -- reasonably priced CLA (he doesn't like the term, but that's what it is) and repair work on Zeiss cameras, with a waiting list measured in years.

2. Running an official-sounding domain without being troubled by Zeiss lawyers.

3. Making far-fetched claims that he cannot possibly back up by evidence. A couple of weeks ago it was "only one out of three Contaxes left the factory working right."

I have not purchased any services from Mr. Scherer, nor do I intend to. The purpose of his website is not general information, but increased business. Make of it what you want.
I'm die????

I'm die????

Members, as many of you know, i'm Italian and my english comprension is short, so apologize me i'f i have understand one thing for another, but because i have 15 Nikon S body in my room i'm die???:angel::angel:
Forgotten i'm a doctor, nikon rf repairman for passion, and i'm specialized in oncology, pediatrics and trasplantology....
SERIOUSLY....i think that real problem, if one exist, was for that poor man who in 1950 have tanned the leather:(:(:(

Steve, I think you are right on the button. The leather worker who made the covers for the S (as well as all of those who toil in tanneries still and use highly toxic dyes - not everybody uses "veggie" dyes) - they are the ones that suffer.
Now, 15 Nikon S!!!! Thats excessive - I only have 2 or 3.

I think that a Thorium Summicron Collapsible can be adapted to a Nikon S-Mount using the fixture from a 5cm F2 Sonnar. Want Radiation and toxic at the same time?
15 Ss, Great Googley Moogley Batman, quite the collection.

I have to agree, the poor folks who tanned the leather got the really raw end. Think about all those poor dead cows too! Makes me want to cover my Nikon with Soy Bean leaves.

I remember sex causing cancer in some women too.

Perhaps he should remember that every life ends in death. No one gets out alive.

.....I'd rather laugh with the Nikoners than die with the Canonistas, Nikoners are much more fun, only the good die young.....

B2 (;->
I don't know if he's right or wrong. But again, I think that Henry needs to back up his claims with evidence. "Believing" something is a lot different than proving it, especially as it's related to cancer deaths.
Very interesting that "The Big Nikon S Camera Body Problem" occupies the same webpage as Henry Scherer's work of fiction on the S-mount Zeiss Sonnar, rather than having its own dedicated webpage!!!!

Methinks that Henry Scherer is pulling a Ken Rockwell type stunt to create a bit of Sonnar-esque controversy again. Gotta love the internet, the signal to noise ratio can be so low at times that most people are bound to get completely confused :rolleyes:
Totally daft. I probably inhaled more toxic stuff at a busy intersection taking pictures this morning than I could possibly inhale by holding the Nikon S close to my face.
This is a Funny thread :)
Some Zeiss website is claiming Nikon is at fault for what's become to known as "Zeiss Bumps"?

Hahahaha! :D

Wow. Very late to this party, but... wow.

Did If you start on Henry's "article" (at the link), there's another link right at the bottom, promising to tell you more about the "extraordinary toxicity of chromic acid" - that points you at, explaining how "the U.S. Navy has secretly and deliberately poisoned" its staff and associated workers.

The best bit is the claim that "Hex-Chromium Causes Autism" - always a big warning sign whenever anyone claims anything causes autism.

So I did a quick WHOIS search, as the writing on the conspiracy theory site reads very similar to Henry's. Sure enough, while both sites have actual owner information redacted (a common thing on .com URLs), they both use the same URL registrar AND the same servers:

Looks like Henry's a full-on fruitcake. Great.

Edit: This second site might be the funniest thing I've ever read. Here's some of my favourite extracts:

"The effect of hex-chrome is insidious [...] it turns the inside of your lungs into leather making it harder and harder for you to breathe."

"When a human being is exposed to multiple poisons the poisons do not just add to each other, they multiply each other. If you are exposed to a group of five poisons released from a plating shop the effect in your body, if the total poison effect of each poison is 2 years of life cut from your life; the total effect of all five poisons is 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 32 years."

"Hex Chrome causes a lot of different kinds of cancer. Cancer is a disease of the DNA and so it is a genetic disease."

"Hex Chrome is the ultimate "free radical". Most, if not all, other "free radical" type chemicals that get into the body have an electrical charge of +1. This makes them easy for the body to neutralize. Hex Chrome has a incredible charge of +6. This means it can only be neutralized by something in the body that can only be damaged by such a large electrical charge and this is mostly the DNA in the reproductive system"

"When Hex Chrome is used to tan leather it takes 30 minutes to do the same job. When you are exposed to Hex Chrome you are undergoing the process of being turned into leather and leather cannot have children."

"Hex Chrome has been called a "de-natureant" for at least 100 years. This term means it removes what it touches from nature."

I like to think Henry's created all of this just to convince people that the Nikon S is truly the absolute worst camera system in the world and that people should stick with the Contax II - if that was the case it'd truly be the longest and most unnecessary con ever.