The Leica SL: What is Leica thinking?

Dpreview just released the identity of its model.

The real problem Leica is going to face is meeting demand.
They already cannot meet demand for the Q, and from what I have heard from stores is that already there are far more people who want to place orders than what will be available.

Obviously they are priced too low ;)

Haven't read it yet, but skimming this review there are some useful photos of the SL and 24-90 lens that let you gauge both the body and lens size accurately.

Sharing this link now convinces me you are a Sony mole who has us all on ignore. ;)
Well, I checked it out the other day and the body is ridiculously nice. The zoom, not so much...just way too big (big like the photo). However, the body is state of the art for mirrorless in every way. They did an excellent job honestly. The EVF is beautiful. I didn't even need focus aids to focus M lenses.
Well, I checked it out the other day and the body is ridiculously nice. The zoom, not so much...just way too big (big like the photo). However, the body is state of the art for mirrorless in every way. They did an excellent job honestly. The EVF is beautiful. I didn't even need focus aids to focus M lenses.

Thanks for sharing. I figured the SL to be a Q with interchangeable lenses, far too modest an expectation. Putting out a universal M/R lens platform of this kind that has an AF implementation and can stretch to alt lenses from Contax etc - didn't imagine anything of the sort. My hat's off my bald pate.