The M10 and its guts..

The M10 and its guts..

  • Kodak CCD

    Votes: 159 37.3%
  • Japanese CMOS (canon/sony)

    Votes: 142 33.3%
  • Foveon X3 (sigma/kodak)

    Votes: 109 25.6%
  • Japanese Nikon/Sony

    Votes: 16 3.8%

  • Total voters
I don't care one wit what kind of sensor Leica uses. I care only whether the camera performs to my expectations, or better.

Speculating about the specifics of the technology to be used is an armchair exercise for hobbyists with too much time on their ands, when they should be making photographs.

Equipment is transient. Photographs matter.
M8 vs Nex 5n and M10

M8 vs Nex 5n and M10

My M8 vs Nex 5n thread talks about how I feel the M8 beats the 5n in image quality. The M9 is essentially an M8 with a bigger sensor. I hope with the M10, Leica still can preserve the high dynamic range and sharpness of the files created by the M8 and M9 as well as the M Mono. A step towards what I am seing in the NEX would be bad news!