The Old Computer

I took a Computer Science class in college in the early 70’s. IBM cards and FORTRAN were the tools of the class. We handed in our program cards and the next day we got a printout of what went wrong with our program and the had to start the process over again. I took the class as a night class during the summer as it was the only building on campus that was air conditioned. Ah, the good old days.
My favorite computer was a Commodore Amiga. My son used it's power to generate animations. As a faculty member at U Penn Medical I bought one of the first available Macintosh 1984. I made the mistake of upgrading it's memory, partly because it still could not do anything but etch a sketch drawings and primitive word processing. So it lost it's "virginity", might have been worth something today. I moved a number of times and the worthless Mac probably went into the abyss.

current mission critical applications are confined to Windows 10 so no Mac needed or desired.