the RF Culture

I like most of the stuff on the list (especially classic cars, etc.) but I dont think its a rich guy thing. I just like things that are well designed and have soul.

I drive a 2006 MINI... while not a classic it has some classic elements to it and I LOVE to drive it. I could have bought a more practicle Honda but it just isnt the same... our car is like a member of the family... we even named him... strange to some but to us it just made sense. I also own a 1974 classic fiberglass sailboat that looks a lot like a wooden boat... owning a motor boat or a fiberglass boat with no wood is more practicle but again its about the journey as well as the destination. Not to mention I find the work on the boat theraputic.

I see photography the same way. For me its a hobby and I like the whole process of it. I have an old Voigtlander Vitomatic II and a MFT Panasonic G1.... I really like the digital work flow but am planning on ditching the MFT for an M8. I keep finding that scrolling through the G1 wheel to adjust aperture and shutter speed annoying.... I want to get back to that well designed tactile feel of setting the exposure with manual controls and not a scroll wheel. Not to mention... using manual focus lenses on the Pany have me hooked again on the whole manual focus process. Slows me down... no more spray and pray. For me thats all good... not to mention my car, my boat, and soon my M8 make your heart warm when you see them or leave them in the parking space, mooring or shelf... To me that connection is part of the fun that is getting harder and harder to find in this more sterile modern electronic age.


Frankly I think this is rather silly. The idea that a rangefinder user must be of a certain type....

NO, I do not own and drive expensive old cars. NO, I do not wear pricey wristwatches (Hell, the cameras cost me enough). NO0 ,I do not have vinyl LPs. NO, I do not drink rare 110-year-old single malt scotch. NO, I do not like, or listen to , jazz. And YES, on occasion I (gasp!) do use DSLRs.

So, do I have to turn my rangefinders in now?
Well, I don't owe a vintage car, but I have some rangefinders. I wear vintage (and expensive) watch too. I play all saxophones, flute, clarinet, piano, I have lots of vintage synths etc. I listen John Coltrane every day since I was 8. I don't have DSLR and yes Paul, you should give your rangefinders to me :p
Got me pegged on most of it. Especially old cars (although I can't afford too many "vintage" hobbies).

All except classical music - I mainly listen to electronic dance.

RF - Check
Vintage Watches - Check
Fountain Pens - Check
Tweed - Check
100 year old British Shotgun - Check
Next vehicle will be a Land Rover of some sort - Check
Reading this (long) post has been very interesting for me.

I grew up geek, playing on my video-game sets and working on evenings and week-end to update my sets and amiga...
I am still a geek, but I have learned to focus on my comfort in usage. In my consumption habits, I am very self-centered but - I have to admit - as well budget-oriented!

I have a film RF which I am learning to use. I appreciate it more and more, the sturdy feel of it, its weight and the connection I have when I need to set-up aperture, speed, focus...

I like analog watches. But I own a radio-controlled tough solar piece so that I really do not have to think about it.

I have an average collection of digital music. Very eclectic. But I love listening to my vinyls. As already been said, it is a matter of sense: listening to my LPs is asking for many senses (the smell of it, the sight of the turntable and of the mechanical pieces which make it, the touching of the LP itself and of course... the sound - I listen to my vinyls only with good headphones).

With regard to clothes, nothing in particular. Cheap and comfortable suits me fine.

I love to read. Too much, so I read on a Kindle for the affordable price of the books (compared to paper English books sold in France and Germany). I can then spare a little for nice books full of photos, as I miss the smell of books.

I take lots of notes at work. The best configuration for me is a 2mm HB lead holder and a cheap scrap book.

As a mechanical engineer in the automotive business, I like cars. I drive a 2 years old Audi for reliability (I must drive 2x70km for my home/work travel). At work, I have the opportunity (chance) to see lots of dream cars passing by (Veyron, Ferrari, MacLaren) but unfortunately I am not allowed to shoot photos!
But I really like Austin Healey's or the Renault 4CV.

I do not have to 'fit' in any category, but I just wanted to share on this.
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RF - Check
Vintage Watches - Check
Fountain Pens - Check
Tweed - Check
100 year old British Shotgun - Check
Next vehicle will be a Land Rover of some sort - Check

The only thing I don`t own on that list is the gun.
I`m always in my Landrover ,sometimes in my tweed jacket, a fountain pen (Waterman) and an M3.
I sometimes wear my pocket watch too.
Oh dear I`m a characterture :)
How do you like retro-designed stuff?

Hey guys, new on rff, and I figure this answering this poll would be a good first post.

I'm not into vintage, but I'm very much into retro (new stuff with reference to vintage)...
- I purchased an R3A from Stephen just last week (my return to film after 14 years)
- I use a re-issued mechanical watch from a vintage design
- My hifi has a couple of tubes in it, though I use a classic iPod as source
- The X100 excites me (although I got turned off by's gripes about usability)
- I drool off the 2011 Dodge Challenger's body shape

I do have a couple of vintage stuff: a Technics SL-1200 turntable and some vinyl, and a Yashica-A TLR that I rarely use.

I consider myself a counter-culturist, or anti-pop. I admit, part of the reason why I decided to go back to film is because everyone here (Philippines) has a DSLR.
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Do you have a RF camera?


Do you like vintage timepieces?


Do you like vintage cars?

No. I like futuristic cars.

Do you like vintage motorcycles?

No. They're the supreme Freudian dead drive machines.

Do you like vintage clothes?

No. I like stealthy clothes to match my stealthy camera.

Do you collect vinyls?

No. I believe in low bitrate mp3 files.

Do you like literature?

No. I like movies and TV dramas.

Do you often listen to classical music?

No. Classical does not sound good with mp3 format.

Do you play a musical instrument of any kind?

No. even if did, I won't admit to it.

Do you recognize yourself as a Bauhaus heir : "Art and life should never be distinct"

I didn't understand the question but the answer is probably no.
I'm into old cameras and rangefinders obviously.

I like old clocks, as long as they don't have leather wristbands.

I've never been into automobiles, and I'm still not, for environmental reasons. I can agree that some older cars have a certain aesthetic difference that I prefer to modern ones, but I still don't particularly like them, if I had one, I'd sell it.

I love Mad Men, and I'd feel like the coolest guy in the world if I could pull of the Don Draper look, but I won't even attempt that. I wear jeans and band shirts.

I read A LOT all of the time, mostly classics.

I don't listen to classical music, I can appreciate it, but I'd rather put on Black Flag than Mozart.

I do collect vinyl, I spend way too much on it.

I play guitar.

Ergh. Not answerable.

Edit: Also, I'm vegan and I don't drink, which I guess makes me a bit different from most people on here.
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well 5/10 for me, the vintage stuff I like tends to be those things that do what they should with a minimum of extra crap. As much as I love some of the cars from the 40's and 50's I would not have one if I couldnt put power brakes and steering on not to mention a/c. My youngest camera is from 1980 roughly and all do what I want minimum fuss.
well 5/10 for me, the vintage stuff I like tends to be those things that do what they should with a minimum of extra crap. As much as I love some of the cars from the 40's and 50's I would not have one if I couldnt put power brakes and steering on not to mention a/c. My youngest camera is from 1980 roughly and all do what I want minimum fuss.

Yep! Simplicity for functional, logical, fussless use.. not simplicity for simplicity's sake. High five :)
I'm feeling pretty
about the number of people who are into literature.

Now I just have to hope they're all vocal about it.
RF - Check
Vintage Watches - Check
Fountain Pens - Check
Tweed - Check
100 year old British Shotgun - Check
Next vehicle will be a Land Rover of some sort - Check

Wow....that's me. 100%
Oh and you can't forget the fly rods - check
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'46 Chevy pickup
Old guns
Game used baseball bats/old gloves/old uniforms
Wooden shafted golf clubs and vintage golf shoes
Pocket watches
Vinyl, and I listen to the radio--a lot
Antique roses
Almost totally film-Noblex 150U/Widelux F7/Linhof 617/Leica M3/5 Nikons/
3 Fujicas/XPan

Everything about me seems old---except my beautiful young wife.:D

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Well I enjoy older cameras, both SLRs and RF.
I'm not much into cars at all.
If I had a motorcycle it would be old.
My music is all digital.
I don't concern myself with clothing too much.
I read enough for school so I don't do much on my own.
Old watches are neat but I don't own any.

For my other hobby, paintball, I prefer obsolete and older guns. I have a couple that are almost as old as I am and one that's older than myself by a few years. In paintball old is only a few years ago.

I'm also getting into black powder shooting. Picked up a replica Remington 1858 revolver this year.