The ultimate Bokeh thread; pics please

^^ thank you Mike. Real beautiful flower photo, great color and very smooth and soothing ( bokeh ) background!

^ thank you Ricoh. When I took this I was fairly new to using manual lenses ( besides when I was young and into photography late 1970s, early 1980s ), a real Takumar fan and mostly using a 1.4/50mm Takumar on APS-C, effectively having 75mm.
This "limitation" turned out to be a good exercise and experience concerning composition.
When I took the Tuk Tuk there was sunset and I could not ignore the background.

Untitled by andreas, on Flickr, S-M-C Takumar f1.4/50mm, Pentax K-x, Vietnam 2011
Leica M3DS. 7A 50mm F/1.1. Ilford FP4+ 125 expired 2008. Kodak D76 1+1. Epson 4990
