This is ridiculous!


Local time
8:46 PM
Apr 15, 2005
DNG is supposed to be an open camera independent file format.
How do you like the statement from Pixmantec:
RAWshooter will only accept DNG files from supported camera's


wdenies said:
DNG is supposed to be an open camera independent file format.
No, it isn't. It's supposed to be an open unified container format for camera data. Whether or not a manufacturer documents said data publicly is the manufacturer's decision.

An open standard can't force manufacturers to disclose their trade secrets; if it tries, it won't be adopted. DNG set out to resolve a number of problems, such as container format chaos, colour and camera profiles and so on, and it resolves these quite nicely. In addition, when and if a camera company does decide to document their camera's private DNG portions, DNG actually does all you want it to do for cameras by this manufacturer; else DNG only does what the manufacturer allows you to do, or what they allow Adobe to do by disclosing some information to Adobe so they can put it into their DNG converter. Of course, you might let this influence your buying decisions.

You might want to read Stuart Nixon's "Notes on the future of Open RAW formats, and a look at DNG", and then Barry Pearson's http://"Commentary on 'DNG is not the answer'".
