Canada Toronto Area RFF Meeting: November

Contax II

Contax II

Too bad you couldn't make it, Mike.

That's the one, with the rigid 1,5 / 50mm uncoated Sonnar that you sold me, plus a rather large shade that I put on it.

The contax is lovely. Much nicer than those boring post-war Leica M's. (OK, maybe, that's at least partially envy talking.)

I took a few shots with both that lens (which only stops down to f/11, by the way) and with the original collapsible 2,0 / 50 which you restored along with the camera.

Mike Kovacs said:
Hey Dan, is that your '38 Contax II in the 3rd photo?
Just sit comfortable knowing that you can focus that f/1.5 more accurately than any Leica ever made :)

I just picked up a prewar (uncoated) 85/4 for mine.
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shot 1- at 7.00 Bill (uncle bill) at 11.00 J. Ed at 1.00 Trius
shot 2- background at 9.00 FrankS; at 3.00 Dsang
shot 3- at 11.00 GeneW; at 2.00 Dsang (Trius in foreground)
Tin looks quizzically at Peter, who is trying to set the white balance on a Zorki 3M. :angel:

This was taken with the "non-pimped" Oly 35SP on Reala 100 C-41. No sharpening, just resized from TIFF and "saved for web" in PS Elements 2.

The pimped SP and the Tower 51 (very light sharpening and downsizing) can be see at

Original high-res scans by Rochester Photographic. They care about film.

Trius, Eduard, thanks for your shots! Brings back great memories. Crikey, was it only a week ago??

I'm trying to figure out how to sent pics to this forum :)
Edit: OK, seems straight :)
Photos in a pub: Dave - manual exposition ~1s; Victor - 1/5s, interesting aside light from TV and daylight film gave surreal tones :)
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So, these are negative scans I got from lab resized for web.
And I'm happy my new Kiev works almost as I expected :)
Eduard: Very nice! In your gallery, your shot #877 of me is very nice. One of the other ones shows me at my worst, though ... yikes, I need to lose about 12KG!

jan normandale said:
Hi Eduard, nice set of shots since I last looked. I really like the 'leaves on asphalt'

Hi Jan,
Thanks! That was really easy shot :) I needed to test my Kiev, just stepped out of my door on a new driveway that my landlord recently got, looked down and figured out a right spot to capture beatiful yellow maple leaves which mother nature had thrown down for me.
P.S. RFF meet photos are all here in this thread, never thought it's so easy to send pics to this forum...
Trius said:
Eduard: Very nice! In your gallery, your shot #877 of me is very nice. One of the other ones shows me at my worst, though ... yikes, I need to lose about 12KG!

Earl: Yup, I knew not everyone will like all those shots :) Don't worry about your weight, just some photographers can do incredible job showing one's worst. My wife doesn't like all shots of her I ever took, but she does like all the others my shots :)
Well, I AM on a weight loss track now. My wife is now on Weight Watchers and has lost a lot in 7 weeks, so I am the beneficiary too. Next time we meet up at least 7kg will be gone!

Trius said:
Well, I AM on a weight loss track now. My wife is now on Weight Watchers and has lost a lot in 7 weeks, so I am the beneficiary too. Next time we meet up at least 7kg will be gone!


WW is a great program. I did it about 10 yrs ago. If you are a good boy and follow program you lose weight. Simple. Right? But what about the temptation , fine wine is pretty limited in permitted consumption. Better send your cellar over to me. I'll show you how to dispose of that temptation. lal
Nice try, Jan.... NOT. Yeah, well, I'm not exactly following WW to the letter. I'm riding on my wife's coat tails. I know what to do. Back in 92-93 I lost a lot of weight by doing virtuall nothing. I was even eating a fair amount of pasta. The difference was internal ... I was cofident, spiritually "together" ... stress didn't even touch me. I'm gettin' there now! OMmmmmmmmmmmm.

Some shots I took with the Contax IIIA

Some shots I took with the Contax IIIA

and the Jupiter 8 lens on the day of the gathering. I was using 100asa Fuji Superia.
Sigh ... I'm really late to the party. Here are a few snaps I took with my Stylus Epic, using Superia 800 (just had it developed):

1. Part of the clan
2. Iggers at work
3. VictorM at C'est What where we adjourned for a pint
4. The train ride home ...

Gene: Good to see those ... I like keeping this thread going. BTW, the shot you took of me with the SP and K64 is on the way to the lab for scanning tomorrow, so I'll post it in this thread and that other thread where we show our faces.
