Canada Toronto Rff Meet Jan 28 @ 13:00

VictorM. said:
I'm still available. Someone is covering my on-call time until Monday.

Lucky you.. I'll be on-call starting Friday evening - for two companies even !! :)

Oh... and while there's no cover, the band, after a set does do a "pass the hat" if people wish to contribute to them.

I've got tai chi Saturday am then I have to do some grocery shopping. If I'm free around 1.00pm I'll see everyone at the 'Wreck' right now its a 50/50. I probably wont bring a camera or prints because who needs to see a GSN and my stuff is here... right?
flashover said:
If I can get there jan I will bring "THE RED ZORKI" sounds like a bad spy movie

To me it sounds like one of those painful things that little boys do to each other :D
"MOM!!!!! Doug just gave me a red zorki and now my pants parts are tingly !!!" :D

Dave: Nope, I can't make it. House renos come, so everybody observe a moment of silence for me. Note:

The reno supports selling the current house, which supports moving (locally) into a ranch, which will have better basement space, which will mean DARKROOM, which means more final output from shooting RFs.

C'mon guys, work with me here!

Dammit, I'm in. Didn't see the time anywhere.....Dave? Had to bow out of a poker game, but hell, what's better than jazz and rangefinders?
Sorry I'm missing Frank, next time. So we can take some shots of the band?
jan normandale said:
ATTENTION shoppers.... I do not know this person!

I'm sending him a pm any moment now.

I just sent you a pm. did I miss read the one you sent the other day. Though I sent a reply, maybe I goofed
Saturday still looks good for me. Hope to see a bunch of you there.

No new stuff to show but I'll take vicarious enjoyment in seeing your gear.

If you're ever out this way Joe let me know.

That way I can be out of town at that time ;)

smirking wryly,

(actually, just call up and I'd be happy to meet up for a beer, coffee, tea, green-eyed redhead etc. etc. etc. ) :D