Traveling With an M9....

Good advice. No regrets taking four lenses. Good to know. So small the M kit. Love the last two pictures, happy to see them again any time.
Btw, I love that France church shot and how the lady mirrors the statue in its form.
Nicely done, Vince. In your opinion, no external drive is needed on a trip?

No, I think I was able to get at least 250 shots per card, so over the course of 10 days there wasn't a need to reuse any of the cards. That's 1500 or so photos, after all!
But cards may fail or be stolen. It is good practice to back up each day and keep the backup medium (drive or laptop) in another place (like a hotel room safe) as the camera+cards.
Same can happen with film -- you backing up your film too on vacation? Your hard drive could get stolen, and on and on and on (if my cards were somehow stolen on my trip, they'd have to get to them through my camera bag). I definitely can appreciate the suggestion to bring a backup hard drive, laptop etc, but then you're back to lugging a bunch of extra stuff on your vacation (and more stuff to worry about, fail, get stolen). I have to draw the line at some point, and that's my choice -- at least on vacation.
Same can happen with film -- you backing up your film too on vacation? Your hard drive could get stolen, and on and on and on (if my cards were somehow stolen on my trip, they'd have to get to them through my camera bag). I definitely can appreciate the suggestion to bring a backup hard drive, laptop etc, but then you're back to lugging a bunch of extra stuff on your vacation. I have to draw the line at some point, and that's my choice -- at least on vacation.

I agree. With airport rules and my aging neck and shoulders I only take my iPad now if I can possibly manage it. Taking care of the cards should be enough.
If possible, I'd go for a online backup. I use Dropbox for just about everything, so if your hotel room has Wifi, you could use that.

Of course film cannot easily be backed up, for me, the easy duplication of digital files is a big string to digital's bow.
Same can happen with film -- you backing up your film too on vacation? Your hard drive could get stolen, and on and on and on (if my cards were somehow stolen on my trip, they'd have to get to them through my camera bag). I definitely can appreciate the suggestion to bring a backup hard drive, laptop etc, but then you're back to lugging a bunch of extra stuff on your vacation (and more stuff to worry about, fail, get stolen). I have to draw the line at some point, and that's my choice -- at least on vacation.
If your hard drive gets stolen you have your cards left and vica versa.
Offline storage is not always an option - you need a laptop and Internet.
I carry a Macbook Air 11". Small, handy and can do basic editing with the Photoshop app or Lightroom. My files go on a USB 500 Gb drive - very small and light - that my wife has in her bag, my full cards go in the room safe. And in my pocket when on the road. the rest in a smallish camera bag, including the Air.
Internal storage on an small Apple does not work for me - I came home with 132 Gb last trip.:(

Still, it beats 100 rolls of film in lead bags like I had in the past...
I don't know about the iPad for storage. Maybe the later ones are fast enough. I just have it for the things I used to take a laptop for. A colleague of mine managed a one week trip, checking email, editing a scientific paper and searching for the references on just an iPhone. Multiple cards in case one is corrupted is as far as I would go on a trip.

The Mac Air is small but one more expensive thing that weighs > 0g, and the requirement to present it to airport security separately just puts me off. I love putting everything through the X-ray in the bags I packed at home and walking through the arch to collect them. Neither my watch nor my belt nor my shoes set off the machines.
Well, as it just slips in and out of the side pocket of a camera bag I don't think the airport security argument is very strong. I usually have it out in airports anyway, as it doubles as a reader. I don't know about security your end of the world, but over here we are required to put belt,shoes and watches through the Xray regardless. I think they set off the bodyscanners.
No, I think I was able to get at least 250 shots per card, so over the course of 10 days there wasn't a need to reuse any of the cards. That's 1500 or so photos, after all!

I am also leaning towards staying light during a trip. I may have to check my inventory of memory cards, and since I will be having my Ipad2 with me, I wonder what I need to be able to daily uploadd from the M9 to the internet. Is there a cable that I must bring with me to connect the M9 to the Ipad?
I have to draw the line at some point, and that's my choice -- at least on vacation.

I have to agree too. I've had more hard drives fail than sd cards. When SD cards do fail, it is in camera and I've been able to recover the photos. They are small and cheap. Someone would really want to steal your SD cards to search them out (unless you leave them in your bag that gets stolen). Once the card is done or I deem it to be done, then I leave it elsewhere.