TVS iii film spacing issue?


Local time
8:54 AM
Sep 19, 2014
I just picked up this TVS III, which has been very nice to use for the one roll (test roll) I shot through it.
Here's the thing. Looking at the negs, the image spacing is perfect until it gets to the last few frames on the roll. Then it become erratic. Is this normal behaviour? Should I be worried?

Whether it's something to worry about, only a second roll can tell. This may just be a fluke..

If it doesn't repeat or get worse than this on just the last few frames that put most strain on the advance motor, the camera seems perfectly usable..
Thanks for the replies.

None of my other p&s cameras do this, even the most basic one maintains even frame spacing throughout the roll.
I guess I may be getting a little paranoid as I was talking to my local camera repair guy about my Kiev (just before I finished this test roll) and some kid was having issues with his Contax T2.
It was overlapping all the exposures shooting 50 to a 36 exp roll! The tech said this was the third T2 they had seen doing this and was because the circuit board was failing.
So since my camera is also a Contax...
2nd roll - film spacing is better but still slightly inconsistent at the end of the roll. A non -issue.