Two Tri-x myths laid to rest.

John Bragg

Local time
9:50 PM
Nov 25, 2005
I have always had faith in Rodinal as a good all round developer but it has been (especially with Tri-X) never renowned as a fine grain developer. The other thing that is touted about Tri-X in Rodinal is that it is difficult to scan. For the last six years or so I have developed films in Rodinal with reduced agitation and when I bought a Plustek scanner i applied the same technique and the negs stank. Mealy grain in the skin tones is not attractive. I decided to go against the recieved wisdom on this matter and develop longer. 20 minutes instead of 15. Bingo !! It all fell into place..... smooth mid tones and fine grain from Tri-X in Rodinal from a scanner.

Interesting. I have just bought a couple bottles of Rodinal. Could you share more details about the temperature and the Rodinal dilution you used?

Thanks in advance!
Ei 200 at 1:50 dilution and develop for 20 mins at 20c with 15 seconds initial agitation and 2 more inversions at each 5 minute interval.
Hi Speedfreak.
It looks good to me on my monitor. As a wise man once said, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so get it out with optrex" (Spike Milligan) . Seriously though, I like some grain and I think this is what I personally aim for. Smooth regular grain and Tri-X tonality.
I don't know about scanning, to me it is a black art. It requires practice, practice, and practice. But you can improve your technique which is still a little elusive to me. As John says though, it you don't blender agitate and are reasonably careful at the scanner you can get some Rodinal and TriX negatives.

12 posts in, I can sum up this thread now, and for every post after:


My own opinion, I think that picture is fantastic. Tonality, grain, sharpness etc, I love it.
