U.S v European CS3 prices

I think there are issues with Import taxes, exchange rates, shipping fees, trade agreements, tariffs etc.. Same reasons a BMW is more Expensive in the US than in Germany.
Yeah - can understand something as large as a car - but a simple software download? And probably from the same source? Other software companies seem to manage realistic pricing ....
ibcrewin said:
I think there are issues with Import taxes, exchange rates, shipping fees, trade agreements, tariffs etc.. Same reasons a BMW is more Expensive in the US than in Germany.

^ i agree.

Things are rarely so simple as one imagines. Consider the exchange rate from pounds to dollars. Now look at prices of cars in the UK compared to the price in the US. BMW specifically, they are quite different if you consider exchange rates. Quite similar if you compare the numbers and disregard the monetary symbol. Is someone getting over-charged, or a killer deal? Or are there more variables than exchange rates?
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Generally, suppliers charge what they think the market will bear. Local taxes (UK) are a variable which should account for around a 20 to 25% max uplift on US prices. Its not too long ago that you got $1.5 to £1 and that would put the prices around where they should be. However, they haven't adjusted for the exchange fluctuation which is not surprising as no supplier wants to catch a cold on this. This isn't unique to Adobe.