Uneasy Engagement, a Street [Tree] Photobook


a.k.a. CNNY, disassembler
Local time
9:11 AM
Apr 20, 2007
I'm posting about my recently published photobook called Uneasy Engagement. Members of the NY have seen this move forward slowly over the years, from scrappy prints to a number of mockups. With some valuable and pointed criticism along the way. This all helped to clarify for myself what I was trying to do. The images are mostly 120 film, Foma and Ilford, using a Fuji 645, and a linhof 220. There are also a handful of 4x5's. They were all taken while biking around Queens, NYC. All the trees are street trees, and all are entangled with utility lines mostly owned by either Verizon or Con Edison.
Finding the right printer took a lot of research, but I ended up with printer in Belgium called die Keure, who produce the best quality, but are also great at guiding a novice through this mine field. To learn more about this book, or perhaps even buy a copy, you can follow these links:

More information is available at Literal.

The book can be bought here.

Uneasy Engagement
A visual survey in book form of 102 street trees as they are impeded in their growth by utility lines. Trees green the streetscape and clean our air, while overhead wires are primary infrastructure that keep the city running. This examination of a local condition in the New York City borough of Queens draws attention to a phenomenon that is a ubiquitous and often overlooked feature in the urban landscape.

112 Pages, 102 Images
Tritone Offset Printing
Soft Cover, Sewn Binding
6.7″ x 8.25″ / 170mm x 210mm
ISBN 979-8-9872850-0-8

One thing I learned from our friend John, is that bookmaking is a really great way to engage people and present your work.

A book is a tactile experience that has a linear flow. There also is a sculptural element to a book because it is meant to be held and manipulated by the viewer’s hands. This to me is a more intimate and personable experience.

A framed print is another experience.

A book also enforces careful editing and construction. Not easy skills.

Things to consider that played out well in this book.
