UV/IR Filters for M8 - Anyone use B+W?


Local time
2:35 PM
Jul 3, 2008
I am looking to add another UV/IR filter to my outfit to supplement the filters I received from Leica when I purchase the M8.

I noticed the B+W 486 UV/IR filter that is well-made and much less expensive than the Leica 39mm UV/IR filter and wonder if it will perform the same function for the M8's color correction.

Has anyone used a B+W side-by-side with their Leica filter and can they give me some advice?

Thank you,
i have several of both, and have no problem using the b&w filters. if you really need in-depth information about a specific lens and its use with leica, b&w or heliopan, you might want to check reid reviews (paid subscription site = small subscription, big value!!!).
greetings from hamburg
I have the B+W versions in 49,46 & 39mm. Both the 24 and 21 I bought used came with Leica brand 55's, so I use those. Haven't noticed a bit of difference.
No difference from a product standpoint, B+W coatings are a bit more durable compared to the Leica coating. When changing lenses make sure you take the time to cap the lens or else you will will get rub marks in the filter coating, should anything touch it ever so lightly. The difference in cost may also influence you to go with B+W.
i bought b+w 486 filters to replace the leica ones. the leica ones feel light, cheap(glass element secured by tension spring) and the coating (at least on one of mine) scratches way too easily. however, i see no difference with regards to images produced.