Very Small Pentax Q CEVIL Announced

Once the pixel density gets high enough, the lack of resolution in a lens acts as an AA filter. For that matter, even if the pixel density was low, if the image is sufficiently blurry from either out of focus or just a crappy lens, you don't need an AA filter.
I've had mine for about a week with the fixed 47/1.9 lens. So far great fun, more to report after I shoot a bit more. Pictures don't do it justice, incredibly small.

Here's one from my first outing with it.

Hmmmm... With this lack of really small, new half format film cameras I'd love to buy, those digital miniatures might end up seducing me... That shot looks a lot better than thousands of shots done with the latest aspherical lenses manufactured by a well known company... :)


And Kent got some very nice images from it - the field of view and DOF is very minox like. So much so that I'm thinking it might be a better choice than the GRD IV.

Come on now Donald, the GRD IV is a must for you. Don't break with tradition man!! ;)
Those shots do look pretty good. It's a shame the camera isn't a bit cheaper though. I hate to be one of those that complain about prices, but for $800, I'd be tempted by a Sony NEX or the Ricoh M setup...
It is a bit pricey Tim, true.

Those shots do look pretty good. It's a shame the camera isn't a bit cheaper though. I hate to be one of those that complain about prices, but for $800, I'd be tempted by a Sony NEX or the Ricoh M setup...
Come on now Donald, the GRD IV is a must for you. Don't break with tradition man!! ;)

I was a minox 8x11 fan before Ricoh - I would have been right on the Q if only the OVF had been the size of the Ricoh GV-2 ... or built in.

The GRD IV remains on order :) still a 40mm version would be appreciated.