@Vince (or other Z7 users) - how wide can you go?

Local time
11:11 PM
Mar 27, 2005
. . . with legacy lenses? Seriously feeling the burn for that Z7 image quality goodness. These days though, about 60% of my time is spent with 35mm or wider (28, 24, 21) and the rest is with the short portrait tele's.

Vince's work with the 50 and his Z7 shows great promise, but I am wondering about wider lenses. I have a 28 and 35 in Leica R-mount; 20, 24, 28, 35 in Nikon's F-mount; 21/24/28/35 in Leica M-mount, 24/28/35 in Pentax K-mount. You see where this is going?

I was a Corner-Fix guy with the M8, kind of ignore my corners with the M9, but don't want to waste my money on this generation of tech, if I am just buying into a Sony problem.

So, RFF, how 'bout it? DPReview was kinda equivocal about the corners on the Z-35/1.8. So what are your thoughts, what are the options, and do you think I am just being seduced by the awesomeness of Vince's portrait work. Yeah, probably, on that last one.

Whaddaya say?

Wow amazing to see a thread with my name in it :)

The widest lens I have is the 17-35 f/2.8 Nikon, so I can certainly try some wide stuff with that.

Glad you are seduced by my awesomeness - I’ll try to not let it go to my head :)
Is it your impression that the Z7 is "talking" to the Z-mount lenses and correcting for distortion, light fall-off and so on? I always thought that was what was going on with Sony and non-Sony wides.
I think so, and then when you apply a particular lens profile in ACR, it would apply whatever the predetermined corrections there are there.

I can try to 17-35 in the 17mm position and see what happens.
Well I'm an awkward bugger because I intensely dislike modern Leica lenses and love the old classics, so the wides I use on my Z6 are the Voigtlander 21mm f1.8 and 15mm ver3 both of which are sharp across the frame at full aperture. My 15mm ver 2 is amazingly bad on the Z6 but lovely on tri-x in my CLE minolta.
I do have the 14-30 nikkor as well as the 24-70 f2.8 and they are stunning lenses but I love the 21mm f1.8 particularly with the built in anti-shake at night, makes a great small walk around outfit.
As an aside I find the body way too small and had to add a Smallrig l-bracket to make it comfortable.