Voigtlander 75mm f1.5 Vintage Line VM lens - Images


Voigtlander 75mm f1.5 Nokton Vintage Line VM lens, Sony A7II
Yokohama, Japan
September 2020

All the best,

What amount of sharpening and contrast are added in post processing?

I shoot in jpeg, not raw. I edit in “google photos” and the editing tools are very limited. There is no sharpening done and only a touch of contrast (I guess it's contrast, google photo calls it "Pop") is added when I think it will help the image. On the images you selected I think I did add a little "pop".

This image is a jpeg straight out of the camera. No post processing was done.


Voigtlander 75mm f1.5 Nokton Vintage Line VM lens, Sony A7II
Yokohama, Japan
September 2020

All the best,
These images are also JPEGs straight out of the camera.




Voigtlander 75mm f1.5 Nokton Vintage Line VM lens, Sony A7II
Yokohama, Japan
September 2020

All the best,
Terrific images! looks to be an excellent lens. As I have a voigtlander heliar f1.8, a voigtlander f2.5 (I think it is) screw mount, a summiilux 75 f1.4 and a summicron 75mm f2 asph, you will understand why I feel an intense urge to get one of these!
Terrific images! looks to be an excellent lens. As I have a voigtlander heliar f1.8, a voigtlander f2.5 (I think it is) screw mount, a summiilux 75 f1.4 and a summicron 75mm f2 asph, you will understand why I feel an intense urge to get one of these!

Join the club! Looking forward to seeing you here! It's a fantastic lens!


Voigtlander 75mm f1.5 Nokton Vintage Line VM lens, Sony A7II
Yokohama, Japan
September 2020

All the best,
Has anyone here compared the CV 75/1.5 with the 7artisans 75/1.25? Both lenses have good reviews.
If I may ask, what is it about the f/1.5 version you like better?

Bill, ever since you asked this question I've been struggling to come up with a good answer. I'm not good at tech talk so I don't have a fancy tech-savvy response. I only know what I see and how I feel and the 75mm f1.5 Nokton has a certain "je ne sais quoi" that the 75mm f1.8 heliar is missing. Plus the 75mm f1.5 Nokton looks so much cooler than the heliar. Not necessarily a good enough reason to buy a lens but there you have. BTW - I sold my 75mm f1.8 heliar earlier this year to help pay for some other camera stuff.

That's probably not the kind of answer you're looking for but it's the best I can do.

All the best,
Bill, ever since you asked this question I've been struggling to come up with a good answer. I'm not good at tech talk so I don't have a fancy tech-savvy response. I only know what I see and how I feel and the 75mm f1.5 Nokton has a certain "je ne sais quoi" that the 75mm f1.8 heliar is missing. Plus the 75mm f1.5 Nokton looks so much cooler than the heliar. Not necessarily a good enough reason to buy a lens but there you have. BTW - I sold my 75mm f1.8 heliar earlier this year to help pay for some other camera stuff.

That's probably not the kind of answer you're looking for but it's the best I can do.

All the best,
Thanks, Mike. When you didn't respond right away I assumed it was some intangible variable. I understand completely having been a Leica shooter for over 50 years!
Nice photos Mike. They show your skill and the very high quality of this lens.

It's also interesting to me to see snaps of daily life in Japan captured like this - a place of fascination to many of us on this side of the Pacific.
Nice photos Mike. They show your skill and the very high quality of this lens.

It's also interesting to me to see snaps of daily life in Japan captured like this - a place of fascination to many of us on this side of the Pacific.

Thank you, David, I'm so happy that you find the images interesting. Thank you very much.

All the best,