W/NW B&W Landscapes


M8 | Summicron-C 40
I had processed some Adox CMS20 in Pyrocat and wasn't impressed with the results. Since i had a few more rolls, I broke down & bought some Adotech lV with my last order from B&H. Here are two photos from a few days ago, bright contrasty early afternoon light. Adox CMS20 @ iso 6. orange filter. I look forward to working on some other subjects. IMG_7676 copy 2.JPGIMG_7675 copy 2 3 2.JPG
Lower Inspiration Point, Bryce Canyon National Park.

RETO Ultra Wide & Slim, Kentmere Pan 400, developed in LegacyPro L110 at 1:31 for 5.5 minutes.

2023.04.10 Roll #328-07950-positive.jpg by dourbalistar, on Flickr
This is fantastic. It’s such a beautiful place.

There is one thing that is very apparent here that my digital monochrome cameras also do sometimes. To my eyes, there is something not quite right about the rock compared to what I see/have seen - I am still not sure if it is tonal (do I think it should be lighter or darker grey? Not sure there either!) or if there is less texture/comtrast than I perceive. Or both. But quite a few of my photos from India (western Rajasthan is basically light yellow/golden sandstone, both landscape and human constructions) are in the ‘still working on it’ folder because they still look slightly different to what I want. I used to think with film that the lack of resolution was doing it, but a 60mp digital sensor with a stopped down Leica asph lens put that idea in the ‘um, no’ theory pile. Maybe if I can put my finger on it I’ll be able to manage the photos better.

But long way to a short question, is it juts me? Does the tone/texture of the rock here bug you?