W/NW: Lighthouses

Gibbs Hill Lighthouse, Bermuda - 2014 (Canon S90)


"The optic consists of a Fresnel lens from 1904 revolving on steel bearings. However, for most of its history, the lens revolved on a bed of 1,200 pounds of mercury." - Wikipedia

"The lighthouse has 185 steps to the top in eight flights." - Wikipedia
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Cape San Blas up in the Florida panhandle - A good friend wanted a photo of this lighthouse, so while I was camped nearby, I set up camera on tripod and got ready for sunset by sitting in a camp chair with a bottle of wine. I was sure there would be some combination of sunset light and the beam that would make the photo as I envisioned it. I made a few photos as the sun was setting while waiting for the light to come on. Almost an hour after the last rays of sunlight and most of the wine gone, I learned the lighthouse had been decommissioned years earlier. Thanks to Photoshop, that beam from the lighthouse appeared after I returned home.

White Lighthouse​


Sony A7III, Sigma 90mm f2.8 lens
Sony in camera B&W JPEG
Yokohama, Japan - June 2023
Image is lower resolution than original​
Maybe so, but your horizon is perfectly level!

The image is outstanding! Well done!

All the best,
Thanks, fortunately that horizon was there because without it I am sure I would have had the whole thing crooked! Easily fixed nowadays with digital but it always bugged me when I'd get my slides back and there would be some that were crooked...
Nubble Point Lighthouse York Maine.

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I have more than my share of shots of the Nubble Point Light; every time I drove up the coast, I'd make a detour to give it a try, thinking I'd get something different or striking. But it was always a mob scene of other photographers thinking the same thing, and it felt like the mob scene at Yosemite where everyone is trying to duplicate Ansel's iconic shot of Half Dome. I finally gave up, but your shot is a nice one, and does capture the starkness and beauty of the location. There's a reason it's become such an icon!
Since I don't live far from Nubble Point ( an hours drive) I try yo go at odd times. Especially during storms or big cloud days. But as you say there is almost always a mob, and no where to park.