W/NW: Signs

At the middle school...
Leica M-D 262, 2.0/35mm Biogon ZM
Waveland Mississippi 2006, one year after the storm surge of Hurricane Katrina swept away most of the town. I was there a few months ago to find Waveland is about 1/4 the size it once was.

Marks Mississippi - a struggling Mississippi town of 1,500 people. These are the only 3 new businesses in Marks in the last five years.

Marks had only one notable resident, Frederick Smith, who attended Yale University and received a C for a economics paper about an overnight delivery system. He founded Federal Express but moved to Memphis and has done nothing for his home town.

The B&B diversified business empire.

There was a new business that opened eight years ago on Main St. in Marks but it ultimately failed.

Once Mark's predominant consumer establishment, this closed 9 years ago.