W/NW: Signs

Inside an abandoned flour mill...

'do i need to see John Wick 1 and 2, first?
'no you don't'

Every Action has Consequences

Arcadia, Los Angeles County

Img by Taipei-metro

Panasonic G6,
Zuiko 14-42

I took this with a Vivitar panoramic fixed focus camera. It’s a bit hard to tell, due to the, shall we say, “painterly” image quality of this camera and lens, but that’s an alligator in the center of the frame.

Hop on the bus, Gus. Taken in 2018 with a Canon AF8 Owl I bought at a thrift store for five bucks and the film that was in the camera when I bought it. Some Kodak 800 color film from the 1990s, IIRC, converted to B&W digitally in post.
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