W/NW Solitary, solitude, alone, isolated (people)

This is one of the best W/NW threads, some great images.

Not surprisingly, the human element in these photos is so strong that you can almost feel the person's emotions by his/her posture, expressions, background etc. Strong work people, can't wait to see more..
Melancholy by the beach

Leica M3, LEITZ SUMMARON 35/2.8 wide open, Ektar 100
Rapid Bay, South Australia


Olympus OM10, Zuiko 50mm 1.4

m7, 35 cron, xp2

I really like this one Robert. I think the way you've pushed the interior outdoors and/or dragged outside indoors is wonderful and exaggerates the feeling of isolation even more. The 'veil of night' sweeping across the frame, dark to light, half hiding the figure is an ingenious conceit. Cinematic is a word used often but I'd suggest its particularly apt here.
Mr. Fu (on billboard) was elected two days ago, Nov 29, as Governor of Hualien County,

My favourite, so far, of all those you've posted. It's only on closer viewing that you see the lights alongside the hidden road, until then its beautifully bizarre...and isolated.